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Covid-19 Vaccination for People Over 45 Years to Begin From April 1

Recently, the Center made an announcement regarding the third phase of the countrywide Covid-19 vaccination programme. As per the latest reports, people above the age of 45 years will be eligible to receive the Covid-19 vaccine shots from April 1, 2021. Union minister Prakash Javadekar made the announcement in a press briefing at the Union Cabinet's meeting. The minister also informed that even people without comorbidities above the age of 45 years can get vaccinated. He further requested people entitled to get themselves registered to take the vaccine shot.

The announcement comes as six states, namely Maharashtra, Punjab, Karnataka, Gujarat, Chhattisgarh, and Tamil Nadu report an increase in the number of daily new coronavirus cases. According to the Health Ministry, the data together accounts for 80.90% of the new infections reported in a day.

Amid the increase in coronavirus cases in some parts of the country, all states and Union territories have been asked by the Center to increase RT-PCR tests. Moreover, the strict enforcement of test-track-treat protocol as well as speeding up the pace of vaccination to provide coverage to all priority groups.

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Issuing fresh guidelines for the month of April, the Ministry of Home Affairs stated that new positive cases should be isolated or quarantined at the earliest and given ontime treatment. Meanwhile, many states have announced restrictions or total ban on Holi celebrations.

Union minister Prakash Javadekar also confirmed that as per Cabinet’s decision, the second dose of the novel coronavirus vaccine can be taken between four and eight weeks for improved results, keeping doctor’s advice in mind.

Discussing the vaccination drive, the Union Minister made an appeal to all eligible people to immediately register themselves from 1st April and get vaccinated to protect themselves from the deadly disease.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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