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Cholamandalam MS Gets ISO 31000:2018 Certification

Cholamandalam MS General Insurance Company Limited has got the certification for ISO 31000. The ISO 31000:2018 is a global risk management standard, which gives the guidelines, principles, system and a process of managing risk. It tends to be utilised by any association irrespective of its size, sector or activity. The use of these guidelines can be modified to any association and its unique circumstance. 

"Chola MS has regularly demonstrated its commitment towards strengthening risk management processes and in establishing benchmarks in the industry at par with global leaders. We are happy to have become ISO 31000:2018 certified general insurance company. This will further strengthen our efforts towards building a robust organisation, with demonstrated and superior risk architecture and one that's fully geared towards our vision 2025", said S S Gopalarathnam, Managing Director of Chola MS.

The organisation has set up a comprehensive risk management system to encourage an innovative culture with the proper comprehension of risks, to add manageability to all the activities of the association and to guarantee suitable productive development which itself limits enterprise risks. The certificate is substantial for a time of 3 years from April 7, 2019, to April 6, 2022.

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