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Check These 5 Things Before Renewing Your Health Insurance

A health insurance policy typically lasts a year and must be renewed each year. Despite the fact that insurance firms issue renewal reminders, individuals are solely responsible for renewing their contracts on time. This ensures that the policy's advantages, including waiting periods for pre-existing health conditions and no-claim bonus accrual, are not lost. A health insurance policy will expire if it is not renewed on time, and the policyholder will no longer be eligible for benefits. Policyholders who are uninformed of the underlying mechanics of the health insurance policy renewal procedure lose their benefits and must begin a new policy, whether with the same provider or a different insurer.

What Factors Should a Person Be Aware Of When Renewing Health Insurance?

The following are the elements that a person should be aware of when it comes to health insurance renewal: 

1. Updates on Health

We must notify your insurer of any changes in your health condition as a responsible health insurance policyholder. If you are unsatisfied with the services provided by your current insurer, notify them. Send a formal request to close the policy to the insurer in writing at least 30 days before your current insurance ends.

2. Payment Premiums

It is the policyholder's responsibility to pay the insurance company's premiums on time and to keep the health insurance policy current. The receipt of your premium payment confirms your commitment to the plan's continuance.

3. Grace Period

If you fail to update your health insurance coverage on time, your insurance provider may provide you a grace period of up to 15 days. To keep your insurance in force, you must renew it within the time range stated. After that, you will be eligible for continued benefits.

4. Set the renewal date.

Because every policy includes some exclusions for one to three years, timely renewal is vital in health insurance. In some circumstances, there are four-year exclusions for any pre-existing conditions. Simply put, some ailments are not covered for the number of years specified in the policy.

5. Portability of Policies

Some consumers may choose not to renew their health insurance because they feel another plan offers better benefits and would wish to switch. Because of portability, you can continue to benefit from the policy's ongoing benefits. You can use your right to port and upgrade to more coverage by switching to a different service provider and notifying your current insurer. Your decision should be notified to them at least 45 days before to the policy's scheduled expiration date.


Health insurance may be renewed either online or offline. To pay premiums offline, you must visit the insurer's branch. The premium payment can also be collected in the form of a check, which is always preferable. You may renew your insurance using the online approach from the comfort of your own home. You should call health insurance brokers like as soon as possible to get your policy renewed. The purpose of our executives is to guide potential customers through the process of obtaining, renewing, and transferring health insurance coverage. They not only comprehend your desires, but they also give you the best available value.

You may also like to read - The Advantages Of Purchasing A Health Insurance Policy Of Rs. 1 Crore

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This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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