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Centre Issues COVID-19 Guidelines For Children, Says Don’t Use Remdesivir, Limit CT Scan

As the fear of the third wave of COVID-19 grows among people, the center yesterday night issued new guidelines to manage COVID-19 among children. The Directorate General of Health Services advised children not to be given the antiviral drug Remdesivir. The new guidelines have been shared even after top doctors in India, involved with the coronavirus task force, said that there is no data suggesting any threat to children. 

Dr. VK Paul said it is uncertain that in the third wave, children will be affected specifically. Until now, children have shown similar seroprevalence as adults, which shows that they are as much affected by the virus as adults. 

New COVID-19 Guidelines For Children 

Recommendations in case of mild infection are: 

  • In asymptomatic cases and cases with a mild infection, steroids are considered to be harmful. Also, antimicrobials are not recommended for therapy or prophylaxis. 
  • Rational use of imaging is recommended
  • It is suggested to give paracetamol 10-15mg/kg/dose every 4-6 hours in case of fever and as for throat soothing agents
  • Older children and adolescents are suggested to do gargles with warm saline water

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Recommendations in case of moderate infection are:

  • It is recommended to initiate oxygen therapy in case of moderate infection
  • It is not recommended that children with moderate COVID-19 symptoms should take corticosteroids. They may be administered if the disease is progressing rapidly, and maybe indicated anticoagulants 

Recommendations in case of severe infection are:

  • In case the children develop Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, then the management should be informed.
  • In case of shock, the management should be initiated. Also, in case of strong suspicion of superadded bacterial infection, antimicrobials must be administered. In case of organ dysfunction, children may require organ support. 
  • Children aged above 12 years are suggested to take a 6-minute walk test under the supervision of parents or guardians. The test assesses cardiopulmonary exercise tolerance and is used to identify hypoxia. The parents/guardians should ask the child to use an oximeter to the finger when walking for 6 continuous minutes in a confined area.   

Apart from these, children are recommended to stay at home if they are sick, even if it is not sure yet if they are COVID-19 positive or not. The parents/guardians must make sure to follow new guidelines when it comes to giving medications to children. 

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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