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Central Government Announces ‘Co-WIN’ App for Covid Vaccine

The central government recently announced the ‘Co-WIN’ application, using which people will be able to self-register for coronavirus vaccine. Developed by The Union Health Ministry, Co-WIN is a part of the digital platform with the same name. 

The newly announced application will conduct Covid-19 vaccine delivery’s real-time monitoring. It is to be noted that the application will also record vaccine data and help people get themselves registered for vaccination. It will also serve as a database for the healthcare workers. Co-WIN is said to simplify the monitoring of the entire vaccination process.

The Co-WIN app will comprise five modules, namely administrator module, registration module, vaccination module, beneficiary acknowledgement module, and report module. The administrator module will support in creating sessions and notifying the respective vaccinators and managers. The registration module will help people get themselves registered for Covid-19 vaccine. While the vaccination module will confirm the beneficiary details along with updating vaccination status, the beneficiary acknowledgement module will communicate the beneficiaries through SMS as well as generate QR-based certificates after vaccination is done. Providing in-depth detail about the application, Rajesh Bhushan said, “The report module will prepare reports based on the number of vaccine sessions conducted, number of attendees, number of people who have dropped out and other information.”

Available for free download, the application is yet to be there for people using smartphones. The application is expected to be available for public very soon. 

It is to be noted that while Pfizer India was the first to Drugs Controller General of India for emergency use authorization, Serum Institute of India, the producer of Oxford-Astrazeneca vaccine and Bharat Biotech, the producer of the first indigenous vaccine, have approached DCGI for emergency use licence. 

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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