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Center Will Provide Free COVID-19 Vaccines to All, Check How to Book Slots Via CoWIN

With the declining trend of the second wave of COVID-19 witnessed in India, PM Narendra Modi Monday addressed the nation. PM Modi announced that the center will provide free COVID-19 vaccines to all Indians aged between 18 years and 44 years, from June 21. While people aged 18+ were eligible for COVID-19 vaccination for a long time, they are still facing issues in getting the vaccine. Therefore, the central government has taken full control of vaccination from states. 

Like before, people aged between 18 years and 44 years will be able to book a COVID-19 vaccine slot on the CoWIN portal. The process to book a slot is easy, if you get one, which is very difficult right now. 

How To Book COVID-19 Vaccine Slot Using the CoWIN Portal?

Here is how you can book a COVID-19 vaccine slot using CoWIN portal:

  • Visit the CoWIN website i.e.
  • Click on Register/Sign in Yourself option available at the top right corner of the screen
  • Enter your 10-digit mobile number and select the get OTP option
  • Enter the OTP on the side, then click on enter
  • The next step is to register for the vaccination page. Then enter all your information which includes name, photo ID proof, gender, and year of birth. Then click on the register option.
  • You will see the option to schedule an appointment. Then you will be required to click on the schedule option next to the name of the person registered.    
  • Then enter the pin code and click on the search button. You will then see the vaccine centers in the pin code on the website. 
  • The last step is to choose the date and time. Then click on the confirm option displayed on the screen. You will be able to add up to  4 members using one mobile number.  

In India, 4.48 crore people, i.e. 3.3% of the population have been fully vaccinated as of now. COVID-19 vaccines are safe and hence the government is urging people to get vaccinated as soon as possible.   

Also Read: Things to do if Tested Positive for Coronavirus

Covid-19 Health Insurance

Will My Second Dose Vaccination Appointment Be Automatically Scheduled By CoWIN System?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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