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Caught up with Lifestyle Diseases? Relax, You Can Still Seek a Health Insurance Cover!

A large chunk of the Indian population is suffering from diabetes and heart diseases. Pertaining to this, they find it difficult to get a beneficial health insurance. While there are quite a few products in the market which offer group health cover for such diseases, but individuals still strive to get one. It has been proposed by the IRDAI (Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India) to allow permanent exclusions for a few illnesses so that individuals can seek health insurance plan for unrelated illnesses. 

The JMD of STAR Health Insurance and Allied Insurance, S. Prakash claimed that not all who have undergone coronary stenting have been provided cover even with long survival periods. Those who have undergone angiography or preventive treatment are even identified as a heart patient, he stated. STAR Health and Allied Insurance offer health covers for conditions like these. 

Conditional acceptance

Do not take a back seat thinking that you won’t be offered cover if you are suffering from a lifestyle disease. Many health insurance products, even under regular policies, can get you covered if your parameters are within their acceptable limits. For instance, ICICI Lombard covers diabetic patients if the blood sugar levels are acceptable.   

Dedicated cover

Considering a huge number of people suffering from lifestyle diseases such as diabetes and cardiac conditions, quite a few health insurance providers have now offer dedicated covers for them. For instance, STAR Health’s Diabetes Safe and Cardiac Care plans, Apollo Munich’s Energy, etc. 

Study well the restrictions

You must be well informed about features like co-payment, or sub-limit for instance, the Diabetes Safe plan offered by STAR Health comes with sub-limits for cardiovascular diseases related to diabetes. Religare’s plan comes with a co-pay ratio, and pre-existing diseases in Apollo Munich come with waiting periods. 
While the plans mentioned above are not as favourable as the regular health insurance plans, but you can consider them in case you have tried a lot to buy a base health insurance plan. 

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