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Care Health Insurance Announces Launch of Care Shield

Care Health Insurance, previously Religare Health Insurance announced the launch of Care Shield plan. Specifically designed while keeping the rising healthcare costs, the new product Care Shield will increase the sum insured at the time of renewal to cater to the medical requirement of the future. 

“Healthcare costs keep increasing every year because of yearly inflationary pressures. The coronavirus pandemic has only made the whole situation worse. Further, there are some consumables & healthcare items that may be relevant, but are not covered by insurance plans typically”, said Anuj Gulati, Founding Managing Director & CEO of Care Health Insurance.  

Care Shield will provide reliable cover for various medical expenses as well as protect the No Claim Bonus (NCB) benefit from lapsing, in case of claim of up to 25% of the sum insured amount. Anuj Gulati added, “Policyholders often worry about their No Claim Bonus benefit getting lapse, in case of even the smallest of claims. Policyholders will find an innovative solution in Care Shield that will protect them from such concerns.”

There to enable affordability of medical treatment, Care Shield comes with Claim Shield. With its Clim Shield feature, Care Shield will provide cover for belts, gloves, braces, masks, spirometer, thermometer, and other consumables like such, in case of hospitalization.

No Claim Bonus Shield is yet another bonus feature that will be given to policyholders during renewal if No Hospitalization Claim is made for the policy in the previous year. 

To ensure first-rate health coverage, Care Shield, apart from hospitalization, will provide for preventive health check-ups, wellness, home care, doctor consultations, and diagnostics. 

Care Health Insurance, previously Religare Health Insurance, has been in the health insurance sector since 2012. Headquartered in Gurgaon, Haryana, Care Health Insurance is a standalone health insurance company with 82.37% claim settlement ratio for the year ended March 31, 2019. 

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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