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Can You Get Both COVID-19 And Black Fungus Together?

The rising cases of black fungus have caused serious concern among Indian citizens. The second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic has proven to be a terrible time and is causing more devastation with the introduction of this new fungal disease. It is an extremely rare disease but has been affecting thousands already, particularly those who have tested COVID-19 positive. There are also certain categories of people who should be more careful than others as they are at a higher risk than others.  

What is the Black Fungus?

The black fungus is being caused by a pathogen that is usually found in decaying matter such as leaves, rotten wood and soil. It affects people with a weakened immune system by attacking their lungs and respiratory system. The black fungus causes fungal infections like mucormycosis and histoplasmosis.

Who All Are At Risk of Black Fungus?

Anyone who has a weak or compromised immune system is at risk from the black fungus infection. COVID-19 patients who have recovered are the ones most affected by this infection. Anyone who has had or recovered from COVID-19 is at risk for about 6 weeks. This is because they have been treated with steroids which weakens their immune system. 

Diabetic patients are also at a higher risk, especially those who have had it for a long time or have severe diabetes. Diabetes not only weakens the immune system of the body due to inflammation, but high glucose levels help spread the black fungus more easily inside the body. If such patients have infections, it is easier for the black fungus to attack them. 

People who suffer from any kind of condition that suppresses or compromises their immune system are at risk. Besides the ones already mentioned, other conditions that pose a risk are HIV-AIDs, kidney disorders and more.

Can You Get Both COVID-19 And Black Fungus Together?

No, it is not possible to get COVID-19 and black fungus together. It has been seen that these two do not happen simultaneously in a person and the fungal infection takes place only after the coronavirus has exited the body of the patient. If a person gets black fungus 14 days after getting COVID-19, they will require treatment only for black fungal infection. 

Symptoms of Black Fungus

The following are some common symptoms of black fungus infection:

  • Chills and fever
  • Nasal discharge
  • Shortness of breath
  • Headache and nausea

Must Check: What Are The Early Symptoms of Black Fungus?

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The black fungus has been declared as an epidemic in many Indian states already. It is fast spreading and is definitely a cause for worry. At such a time, it is important to take the right steps to prevent COVID-19 as well as fungal infection. Stay inside as much as possible but take care to not become completely idle. Daily exercise and a healthy diet can go a long way to improve your immune system. If you have any condition that is already compromising your immune system, take all the necessary precautions and medication that has been prescribed. If you have been affected by COVID-19, make sure to get the right treatment so that you do not have to face the black fungus after battling the coronavirus.

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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