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Can We Claim Health Insurance From Two Companies?

When filing health insurance claims, having access to several different insurance plans might be advantageous. By using many benefits, it broadens the scope of coverage, gives claimants more options, and can result in significant cost savings. You want the greatest healthcare facilities and treatment for a number of serious ailments while buying health insurance. To protect your family from any unplanned hospitalizations, it is imperative that you have a strong health insurance coverage. To know more about claiming health insurance from two companies, read on.

can we claim health insurance from two companies

How to File Claims for Health Insurance With More Than One Insurer?

If you have two health insurance policies, one via your work and the other through your own personal coverage. Yes, it is the solution. You must file a claim with the initial insurance provider for the cost of medical care in order to submit claims to additional health insurance plans. The remaining charges will then be covered by the second insurance carrier when you attest the hospital bills and acquire the summary of the claim settlement.

What Is The Process To Claim For More Than One Policy?

A cashless and reimbursed approach for insurance coverage underpins the framework of the health insurance claim procedure from numerous insurance providers. You start a claim under a single policy if your claim is smaller than the sum insured.

Following is the process to claim for more than one policy -

  1. Cashless Claims - You receive cashless hospitalisation at the network hospital under the cashless claims. You file a claim with one insurance provider in this instance, and you receive the claim settlement summary. Once this is done, the second insurance provider should be contacted to pay the remaining balance in the form of reimbursement after receiving the claim settlement summary and certified hospital bills.
  2. Reimbursement Claims - Even while network hospitals make cashless claims simple, there may be times when you must receive care at a hospital that is not a part of the insurer's network. You must use the reimbursement mechanism to resolve the claim in this circumstance. The hospital bill must be paid in full before you may request a reimbursement from the insurance provider. To be eligible for a refund, you must submit the claim form together with certified copies of your discharge summary, lab results, and other relevant documentation. The insurance provider will examine the claim and pay the appropriate sum.

Can Someone Get Different Health Insurance Plans From The Same Company?

It is practical to have various health insurance policies from the same insurer since claims are more simple and there may be fewer paperwork. Different restrictions and circumstances, nevertheless, can apply to filing a claim. Before choosing to purchase a health insurance plan, it is imperative that you carefully study the terms and conditions. In the event that the first insurance denies the claim, you may always contact the second insurer. Before choosing the best plan, you may compare a number of online health insurance options.

You must also be open and honest with your insurer if you want the claim process to go well and for your claims to not be denied. To centralise your insurance needs, you may purchase many insurance policies from the same insurer, but before choosing an appropriate health insurance plan, it's crucial to comprehend the various benefits of each plan.


In summary, it's crucial to invest in a health insurance policy plan that will cover your medical treatment costs in the event of an unexpected medical emergency so you can quickly access the best healthcare services. The policyholder is free to purchase numerous health insurance plans and decide which one will be utilised when it is necessary.

Also Read: Difference Between Coinsurance, Copay and Deductible


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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