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Can’t Find A Hospital Bed? Get COVID-19 Treatment At Home

Considering the second wave of coronavirus, around 1.5 Crores of cases have been reported to date out of which Lakhs of them have lost their lives due to the impact of the virus. Healthcare systems are crashing down and the unavailability of the vaccine is making the condition worse. This unpreparedness of the government and non-advancement of their healthcare systems has made it difficult for a lot of people to acquire proper or legit treatment.

Due to various other reasons, like black marketing of medicines, vaccines, hospital beds, and genuine unavailability of these, has made the patients helpless, which has led them to lose their lives. However, under certain cases and conditions, patients on the advice of the doctor can be home isolated and get treated at home, with no hospital charges and just a little extra care.

Can’t Find A Hospital Bed? Get COVID-19 Treatment At Home

Who Can Get A COVID-19 Treatment At Home?

Patients of coronavirus who have mild to moderate symptoms are eligible to get treated at home. Some patients of COVID do not show physical symptoms and yet, turn out to be positive when tested. These patients are called asymptomatic and they too are eligible for an in-house treatment of coronavirus.

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Another criterion that a patient has to fulfill in order to get treatment at home is to have oxygen levels above 94%. Patients with lower than 94% of oxygen level are to be admitted to intensive care units of the hospital. If a patient has a pre-existing chronic illness like lung and kidney disorder, diabetes, heart disease, etc. and they experience some kind of uneasiness, then they must be rushed to the healthcare centers immediately.

How To Get COVID-19 Treatment At Home?

Coronavirus patients with mild, moderate, and no physical symptoms can stay at home and get treated. But, for this, there is a set of guidelines that is to be followed for a better healing process. Let us look at some of the rules and steps that are to be followed:

  • Isolate yourself in a properly ventilated room, where there is enough air.
  • Use a triple layer mask when you come in contact with other family members.
  • Sanitize everything that you touch with an alcohol-based sanitizer.
  • Wash your clothes and utensils separately.
  • Do not share your personal items with anyone.
  • Monitor oxygen levels, blood pressure, and temperature daily.
  • Stay in contact with a doctor for teleconsultation in case of emergency.
  • Do not expose yourself or share a common environment with your family and friends.
  • Avoid any stress-related work and take enough rest.
  • Avoid attending any public gatherings and functions.
  • Do not take any non-prescribed medicines.

Make sure that the above rules are regulated with no negligence, as ignorance towards them can risk the lives of your loved ones. Also, do not let your caretaker come in direct contact with you. Maintain enough distance from them.

When To Get Hospitalized During COVID-19 Home Treatment?

You can take a rest at home and get treatment at home if you haven’t been able to procure a hospital bed due to any reason. But, if there are major fluctuations in your blood pressure levels, oxygen levels, or temperature, then you must consult your nearest hospital via Tele counseling. Other symptoms like breathlessness, high fever, nausea, and chest pain are a red alert and you must immediately seek medical attention and get yourself admitted to an intensive care unit.

Must Read: Home Remedies For Increasing Immunity During Pandemic

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Treatment at home for coronavirus is a comfortable option for patients as it reduces the risk of getting exposed to major contraction of the virus. With the growth in the number of patients suffering from coronavirus, the availability of beds and oxygen supplies is declining and not sufficient to meet the usual demands, hence, if the doctor prescribes you to stay at home for your treatment, then adhere to the rules and get healed at home. This way the beds can be made available to patients with chronic disorders and serious conditions.

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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