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Can A Person Get Covid-19 Vaccine Without Registering With The Health Department?

With the COVID-19 vaccination in full force across the country, everyone is looking to get their shots. Moreover, since the entire situation created by the pandemic is unprecedented, everyone has questions about how to go about things. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about the vaccination procedure in India. 

How To Register For COVID-19 Vaccine On CoWIN Portal of the Health Department?

Following are the steps to register for the COVID-19 vaccine using the CoWIN Portal:

Step 1: Visit the CoWin Portal. It is best to do this on your mobile phone.

Step 2: You will need to register yourself. Enter your mobile number and the OPT to verify yourself. 

Step 3: Next enter your name, age, gender, and any other details. Also, provide details of your Photo ID as proof. You can also enter the names of 3 more family members and register them under the same mobile number.

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Step 4: Once all the required details have been entered and the registration is complete, schedule an appointment.

Step 5: On the day of your appointment, make sure to carry the photo ID you used and the appointment slip.

How To Register For COVID-19 Vaccine On Health Department’s Aarogya Setu App?

Following are the steps you need to take to register for the COVID-19 Vaccine through the Aarogya Setu App:

Step 1: Open the Aarogya Setu App and select the CoWIN tab from the home page.

Step 2: Choose the ‘Vaccine Registration’ tab and enter your mobile number. Next, enter the OTP you will receive on your mobile number. After you have entered the information, click on the ‘Register’ button.

Step 3: Enter all the details required and your photo ID. Once the required information is entered you can complete the registration process.

Step 4: Next you can schedule a vaccination appointment by searching for a center by searching through districts or pin codes. Once you find a slot at a center near you, simply click on it and confirm the appointment.

Step 5: On the day of your appointment for the vaccination make sure to carry the photo ID you used and the appointment slip.

What Photo ID Can I Use To Register For COVID-19 Vaccine?

Following are the documents you can use for the registration process:

1. Aadhar Card

2. Health Insurance Smart Card

3. Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act/MGNREGA, Job Card

4. Official Identity Cards of MPs, MLAs, and MLCs

5. PAN Card

6. Passbooks Issued by Bank or Post Office

7. Passport

8. Service Identity Card Issued By Central or State Government or Public Limited Companies

9. Voter ID Card

10. Driving Licence

Can You Get Vaccinated Without Getting Registered With The Health Department?

No, every person who receives the COVID-19 vaccine must be registered with the health department. If the person is unable to register beforehand they can get their registration done at the vaccine center or through the help of health officials in their area.

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Take Away

In a nutshell, if you want to get the COVID-19 vaccine you must get registered. It is best to do this beforehand, using the above-mentioned methods. However, if there is a problem with registering you can also opt for walk-in registration which will be available to some in specific centers. Keep in mind that the vaccines are in short supply and are being distributed in a staggered manner. You will have to wait your turn as people who have a higher risk of contracting the disease are being given priority.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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