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Can A Coronavirus Infected Person Get Vaccinated?

India is fighting the second wave of coronavirus, and has witnessed the deadliest week of the COVID-19 pandemic by recording more than 26 Lakh new cases and 23,800 deaths in 7 days. On May 2, the country recorded 3,68,060 new cases, taking the cumulative tally to 1,99,25,604. 

Aiming to fight the pandemic, India, in January 2021, had started a vaccination drive with two vaccines namely Covaxin and Covishield. While the eligibility to get these vaccines was limited to people aged above 45 years, the government on May 1 has allowed it for people aged more than 18 years as well. Until May 1, 9.2% of the Indians have got at least 1 dose, whereas 2% have been fully vaccinated.  

However, there are still some queries in peoples’ minds related to covid-19 vaccination. For instance, can an infected person get covid-19 vaccination? What is the cost of Covid-19 vaccine?, etc. 

The cost of a coronavirus vaccine depends on the financial situation of the state that a person lives in. States like Kerala, Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh have announced that they will provide the vaccine free of cost to its people. In other states and private hospitals, the cost of vaccination is to be seen. 

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Experts recommend that a person who has been infected with coronavirus should wait for 2-8 weeks after 14 days recovery from the infection before getting the first dose of vaccine. 

However, if someone has symptoms of coronavirus, then he/she cannot get vaccinated, as this will put other people at the vaccination center at risk of getting infected. But this does not mean that vaccination should be skipped.

In case you get infected after getting the first dose of the coronavirus vaccine, then in that case you must wait for recovery and then get vaccinated. But again, not skip it. As the second dose of Covaxin has to be taken within 28 days after taking the first dose, one can reschedule their appointment if they miss their date because of coronavirus infection. But it is recommended to take the second dose of vaccine within 28 days-42 days, if possible. 

Despite the history of coronavirus infection, people are recommended to receive vaccination if they are eligible for the same. 

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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