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Bharti AXA General Insurance Unveils Health AdvantEDGE Policy, Check Features Here

Bharti AXA General Insurance has launched its new health insurance policy Health AdvantEDGE which aims at providing holistic protection to the insured against rising healthcare expenses in India.

According to a press release by Bharti AXA General Insurance, Health AdvantEDGE is one of the few health insurance products that offer comprehensive wellness benefits in the domestic health insurance market.

The Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Bharti AXA General Insurance mentioned that the policy will address the healthcare and wellness requirements of the customers by offering them timely support at the time of need.

The new-age health insurance policy offers insured the facility of cashless treatment through a seamless claim settlement process. The policy is available for people aged between 91 days and 65 years, who can seek cover for sum insured options ranging between Rs. 2 Lakh and Rs. 3 Crore.

The Bharti AXA Health AdvantEDGE policy protects the insured from pre-hospitalisation expenses, post-hospitalisation expenses, in-patient hospitalisation expenses, daycare expenses, organ donor expenses, etc.

The policy also covers the insured for treatment taken under AYUSH systems of medicines. These include Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy Unani, Sidha, and Homeopathy. Wide coverage benefits of the policy allow the insured to focus on their treatment instead of worrying about managing funds. ;

The policy guarantees the policyholders a cumulative bonus of 20% for every claim-free year, up to a specific limit, at the time of renewal. Apart from this, the policy also offers maternity benefits to females if they are aged between 91 days and 65 years, and if they opt for a policy term of 3 years.

Also Read Here:Top 10 Health Insurance Plans in India

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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