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Best Maternity Insurance Plans In 2021

Giving birth to a child is one of the most grateful phases of a parent’s life and as a parent, you do not want to take any kind of chance concerning the health of the mother or the newborn. At the time of the delivery of the child, there are several complications that a mother and the child have to go through, and to pass that stage smoothly you must do everything in your hand. The medical complications that arise at the birth of the newborn need immediate medical attention and, therefore hospitalization becomes a necessity. At such times, you need to be present as moral support for the mother and the child, instead of worrying about the financial expenses that may incur from the treatment. Having maternity health insurance cover gives you the peace of being there for your family without worrying about monetary issues. 

Maternity health insurance covers compensate for the medical expenses that arise at the time of the newborn baby’s birth. This insurance cover not only protects the mother but also the newborn baby for a certain period. Various medical expenses like vaccination charges, delivery charges, nurse fees, consultation expenses, etc are taken care of by the insurer. This plan lets you cherish the birth of the newborn child and feel the immense joy within your family. 

Best Maternity Insurance Plans In 2021

Maternity Health Insurance Cover 

To enjoy the happiest moment of your life as a parent, and not worry about financial tensions you must invest in a maternity health insurance plan. It is bought as a top-up cover to your existing health insurance cover and is specifically for the to-be mothers. However, you cannot buy maternity cover when you are pregnant as it is considered a pre-existing condition then. Thus, if you are planning a child, you must buy maternity cover years in advance. It covers all the possible medical expenses that can incur at the time of giving birth to the baby like delivery charges for both normal and cesarean delivery options. Some organizations provide maternity health insurance plans to their female employees as a concerned gesture for their health.  This plan comes with a waiting period that is specified by the insurer and the premium of such plans is comparatively lower than the standard health insurance plans. 

Best Maternity Health Insurance Plan In 2021 

There are several insurance companies that offer comprehensive maternity health insurance plans to their customers. Some of the standard features of all the plans are pretty much the same but some insurers roll out exclusive benefits to their policyholders at an affordable price. Therefore, let us look at some of the prominently bought maternity health insurance plans in the year 2021: 

1. SBI Arogya Premier 

SBI health insurance is one of the leading insurers and is known for its trusted customer base. The maternity health insurance cover by SBI has a waiting period of 9 months and comes with a restoration benefit under which the sum assured is restored if it gets exhausted in a policy year. After four policy years, the policyholder gets the benefit of free health checkups and there is no pre-health checkup for individuals below the age of 55 years. No claim bonus benefits are also provided where a 10% increase in sum assured is made if the policy is not claimed for a year.  

2. Apollo Munich Health Insurance Easy Health Family Floater  

The waiting period for this plan is 3 years and therefore, you must purchase this long before you are planning to have a child. It is one of the reliable health insurance covers and is valid till 90 days from the date of birth of the baby. This exclusive health insurance cover looks after the expenses incurred from pre and post-natal procedures along with the care of the baby. 

3. Star Health Wedding Gift Pregnancy Cover  

This maternity health insurance plan is valid for up to two deliveries and covers both types of deliveries. The maximum sum assured under this policy is Rs. 10 Lakhs. Along with the pre and postnatal expenses, it also looks after the expenses related to the newborn baby. 

4. Bharti AXA Smart Super Health Insurance 

This is a very beneficial maternity health insurance plan for all the to-be mothers out there. The sum assured under this plan ranges from Rs. 3 Lakh to Rs. 7.5 Lakh. It has lifetime validity and can cover up to two deliveries. And, it also covers the medical expenses of the newborn baby till 90 days from the date of birth. 


There are several other insurance plans which you can consider before choosing a suitable maternity health insurance plan for yourself. You must always compare the features and then come to a final decision in case of an insurance plan. 

Must Read: Does My Health Insurance Plan Cover Me For Maternity Related Expenses?

Maternity Insurance Plan: A Boon to Protect Your Savings!

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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