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Benefits of Super Top Up Health Insurance Plan

The cost of treatment in private hospitals is high due to the rapid rise in inflation in the health sector. The basic medical treatment can drain your financial savings and burn a hole in your pocket. Therefore, to ensure the customers quality treatment in private hospitals without worrying about the money, the health insurance providers offer health insurance policies which are cost effective, exclusive, and comprehensive. A basic health insurance cover looks after your medical expenses like hospitalization charges, room rents, ambulance costs, etc. to a certain limit depending on the type of plan chosen by you.

Sometimes the standard health insurance plans do not suffice the high cost of treatments in case of critical diseases and pre-existing diseases. The extra expenses which exceed the deductible limit of the base plan are covered by the additional plans like super top up covers. These covers enhance the features of your existing plan and come into action when the expenses have exceeded the sum assured under the standard plan. Super top up plans are a wise choice for people who have to visit the hospitals frequently for their treatments.

Benefits of Super Top Up Health Insurance Plan

About Super Top Up Health Insurance Plans

A super top up health insurance plan is an extension to your existing health insurance policy that compensates for multiple medical claims made in a policy year by the policyholder. Unlike top up plans, it covers multiple hospitalizations under a single plan. Therefore, senior citizens and people suffering from critical diseases like cancer, diabetes, etc. can make multiple claims as they have to visit the hospitals more frequently for the treatments. It looks after the medical dues which exceed the threshold limit of the standard health insurance policy and is cheaper than regular health insurance plans. It comes with features like expenses of hospitalization, medication, consultations, healthcare checkups, room rents, ambulance charges, etc.

Must Read: What Are Top-Up And Super Top-Up Plans In Health Insurance?

Benefits of A Super Top Up Health Insurance Policy

Following are some of the key benefits of a super top up plans which can be availed at the time of claim settlement process of the policy by the customers:

  • This health insurance plan includes the COVID-19 specific health insurance cover to help the individuals deal with the pandemic without running short of finances.
  • Under a super top up plan, you have to pay the deductibles only once and then you can claim the plan multiple times in a policy year.
  • You can customize your super top up plan as there are options in policy tenure, deductible limit, and sum assured of the cover. The policy tenure ranges from 1 to 3 years.
  • There is no sum-limit or restrictions on the hospital expenses like room rents, consultation charges, etc.
  • You can claim your super top up plan at any network hospital of the insurance company and receive cashless claim benefits.
  • It deals with the medical expenses like AYUSH treatments, critical illnesses, etc. which might not be included in your base health insurance cover.
  • With a low premium rate and higher sum assured, a super top up plan is an exclusive deal to invest in.
  • Generally, the premium for senior citizens in a regular health insurance cover is higher but, in case of a super top up plan, the premium rate is cheaper and affordable.
  • Tax savings benefits are extended to the policyholders who are also the taxpayers under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act.
  • The purchase and renewal of the super top up plans can be done online with the advancements in technology, which makes the whole process quick, smooth, and hassle free for the policyholders.


A super top up plan is a comprehensive and affordable additional health insurance cover which can be bought to enhance the coverage of your base health insurance plans and cover the expenses which exceed the deductibles specified under the plan. You must carefully read the fine print of your policy to know the inclusions and exclusions of your policy as it helps to avoid any inconvenience at the time of claim settlement process.

Also Read: Best Super Top Up Health Insurance Plans In The Market

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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