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Benefits Of Purchasing SBI Health Insurance Policy

The State Bank of India and the Insurance Australia Group have joined forces to form the SBI General Insurance Company Limited (IAG). SBI controls around 74% of the whole capital, with IAG owning the remaining 26%. SBI is extremely proud to inform that, during the fiscal year 2013-14, SBI General, in collaboration with State Bank of India, provided Personal Accident Insurance coverage to over 1.5 million SBI Saving Bank Account customers.

SBI General Insurance has also built a presence in about 14,000 State Bank of India branches. SBI General Insurance has over 68 million pleased customers and has received ICRA's iAAA accreditation for exceptional claim-paying skills. SBI Health Insurance's claim settlement percentage of 96 percent speaks volumes about the company's claim settlement abilities. To know more about SBI Health Insurance Policy, read on.

Benefits Of Purchasing SBI Health Insurance Policy

Benefits Of SBI Health Insurance Policy

SBI General Insurance has grown in popularity in the insurance industry since its launch in 2010. In terms of benefits, the insurer provides great health insurance coverage. The general insurer's health insurance plans, whether for individuals or families, provide coverage against pre-hospitalisation expenses, post-hospitalisation expenses, in-patient treatment expenses, daycare treatment expenses, and a variety of other healthcare costs that are valuable in terms of money invested.

  1. Additional Benefit Of Free Health Check Up - When you pick an SBI health insurance plan, you will receive a free medical examination. It should be noted that the benefit is granted for every four claim-free consecutive years with no gaps in insurance. The insurer arranges for a free health check-up at an insurer-empanelled diagnostic facility or reimburses the insured for the cost of the check-up up to a maximum of 1% of the total insured, up to a maximum of Rs. 2500.
  2. Additional Protection Over Employee Coverage - Employer-sponsored group health insurance policies may appear to provide adequate health coverage, but this is not the case. In the event of a medical emergency, such plans are ineffective. It is preferable to obtain additional coverage ahead of time in order to maintain financial stability at a critical period. Purchasing health insurance from SBI General Insurance will help you supplement your existing group health insurance without paying a large cost.
  3. Cashless Benefit - Cashless claims are available with SBI General health insurance coverage. This benefit enables policyholders to make a cashless claim and avoid having to pay large medical expenditures during an emergency crisis. The cashless benefit is nothing short of a blessing in terms of financial comfort. It should be noted that, in addition to cashless settlement, policyholders can get compensation for medical expenditures incurred while receiving treatment at a non-network facility.
  4. Claim Settlement Ratio - The Claim Settlement Ratio (CSR) is the ratio of claims resolved by the insurer to the total number of claims submitted in a fiscal year. For the fiscal year 2019-20, SBI General Insurance has a CSR of 66.08 percent. The Claim Settlement Ratio varies over time. A high CSR shows that the firm resolves the majority of its claims, which increases the trust of new consumers.
  5. Coverage Against Medical Expenses - SBI General health insurance plans provide comprehensive coverage, whether for a person or for an entire family. By purchasing an SBI Health Insurance plan, you can be assured of comprehensive coverage for medical expenses such as inpatient treatment, pre-hospitalisation, post-hospitalisation, day care treatments, ambulance cover, and a variety of others that can be difficult to manage during a medical emergency.
  6. Incurred Claim Ratio - The Incurred Claim Ratio (ICR) calculates the amount of earned premium that is spent on paying claims. For the fiscal year 2018-19, SBI General Insurance's ICR was 52%. The ratio implies that the insurance was able to keep the ratio below 100 percent while earning a profit, which improved its financial position. The Incurred Claim Ratio varies over time.
  7. Tax Rebates - SBI General health insurance premiums are deductible under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act of 1961.


SBI provides health insurance products to meet the demands of a wide range of consumers. SBI Health Insurance Plan is a comprehensive health insurance policy that covers the costs of medical care. The plan assists the insured in bearing the high cost of medical care bills and being financially secure.

Also read - When Should I Purchase A Health Insurance Policy?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

SBI Health Insurance

Claim SettlementDedicated Team
Claim Settlement Ratio66.08%
COVID-19 CoverYes
Network Hospitals6,000+
Policies Sold7,56,443
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