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Benefits of Individual Women Health Policy

Completely indulged in familial responsibilities and duties, women get little to no time to think about their health. Out of 1000 women, only around 39% of them had health insurance coverage. With a lot of ongoing stress-related situations, women have become more vulnerable to cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, irregular blood pressure, etc. They are also more susceptible to breast cancer and bone-related ailments. 

Women when pregnant are at risk of many other disorders. With all this modern lifestyle, that is responsible for women’s dreadful situation, there have been certain advancements in the insurance policy covers that are being offered. 

Benefits of Individual Women Health Policy

Best Health Insurance Plan Available For Women in 2021

With the growing concern for women and their health, some health insurance policies have been rolled out specifically for women. These policies cover unique and exclusive benefits primarily for women. Let us have a look at the plans available with their important features:

  1. Bajaj Allianz Women-Specific Critical Illness Insurance Plan

    This insurance plan is specifically for women, as the name suggests. It has cancer, congenital disability, and loss of job cover with certain maternity benefits. 
  2. TATA AIG Wellsurance Woman Health Insurance Plan

    This health insurance plan comes with a substantial cover including critical illnesses, hospitalization, and cosmetic surgery in case of accidental injuries. 
  3. Care Joy Maternity Health Insurance Plan

    It covers the hospitalization costs and gives maternity benefits along with the newborn baby. 
  4. Reliance Health Gain Policy

    This policy is available in both individual and family floater types. It gives cashless treatment in networked hospitals in case of the injuries specified in the policy cover.  
  5. HDFC Ergo my: health women Suraksha plan

    This health insurance is comprehensive and has certain sub-plans within it, which can be chosen according to the preferences.  

How To Choose The Right Policy Plan?

Until today women got their health insurance covered in family floater plans or were dependent on their husband’s insurance policy cover, which left them less amount of claim, in case of severities. Therefore, it is necessary to take an individual plan for a better claim amount and enhanced facility treatment. Out of the various plans offered by the insurers, you can choose the best that suits you. 

Do not rely on corporate insurance plans, that is the ones which are offered by the companies to their employees, because if you lose your job, the company changes the policies, or you get retired and discover that the insurance cover was not effective at all, then you will have a budget crisis due to no job and hospitalization charges will topple them. 

Things To Check While Choosing The Health Insurance Plan:

While you are choosing the plan for your health insurance, make sure the following benefits or factors are included and checked, for greater benefits:

  • Type of insurance plan (individual or family floater)
  • Maternity cover included 
  • Claim settlement options 
  •  Monitor the inflation
  • Be early to buy an insurance cover 
  • Choose the one with adequate coverage and claim amount 

Keeping these factors in mind, go through the insurance plans of different companies and compare them. Read the policies carefully and to avoid financial stress, choose the most comprehensive cover and the cheapest available option. Be sure to buy the cover at the early age of your life like your 20s or 30s, so that any unforeseen mishaps can be tackled. Some companies provide free-of-cost health checkups and beneficial add-ons, therefore be aware of the benefits offered. Also, if you are planning your pregnancy, make it a must that you cover the maternity benefits in your plan.  

Must Read: Important Health Tests Which Every Woman Should Get in a Year

Guide to Buy Health Insurance for Women


We talk of feminism and how to uplift the status of women in society, but when it comes to their health and their insurance plans we try to cover it under the family floaters. It is important that their health is not compromised, especially if they have pre-existing illnesses. Women’s health insurance policies are gaining a lot of importance these days because people have started to realize their significance. This is a step towards a better chance of changing the world into something good and desirable. 

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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