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Benefits of Health Insurance Plans For Children

Health insurance policies serve the purpose of shielding individuals from medical expenses and ensuring them quality treatment in case of an emergency. Just like any other person, children too should have a health insurance cover as they are less immune than an adult due to their eating habits. Children are more vulnerable to any new diseases and therefore, should be protected against all odds. 

You can protect the child by purchasing either an individual health insurance cover for him/her or by including your children in the family floater plans. Usually, people choose the second option as it is feasible and provides wide coverage by including other members of the family at an affordable price. These health insurance covers provide for the pre and post-hospitalization expenses, in-patient expenses, medical bills, ambulance charges, and a lot more. 

Benefits of Health Insurance Plans For Children

Why Purchase A Health Insurance Policy For Children?

As discussed above, it is essential to have a health insurance policy for each and every individual within your family, but let us look at the reasons to buy a health insurance cover particularly for children: 

  • Children have a weak immune system as it is not fully developed to respond to certain diseases. 
  • At a young age, children show lesser reflexes than adults, and therefore, they are more accident-prone. 
  • Because of their immunity, children are more vulnerable to contract any disease considering their poor eating habits. 

Hence, considering the above reasons, children should be covered in a health insurance plan along with their parents to ensure wide coverage for them when needed. 

Benefits of Buying A Health Insurance Cover For Children 

Let us look at some of the advantages of purchasing a health insurance cover for your children: 

  • Children can be included in a family floater plan along with their parents. The premium costs of such plans are lower than other standard plans that are available. 
  • There are no limitations on health insurance plans for children. You can get comprehensive and customized health insurance policies to safeguard your children’s health in the near future. 
  • Additional benefits like a consultation from experts, information on nutrition and diet of the child, etc. are also made available to the policyholders for their children. 
  • No Claim Bonus is provided on some of the health insurance covers for children. Under this benefit, you can get an additional sum assured, or some other benefit for each claim-free year in the policy tenure. 

Factors To Keep In Mind While Buying A Health Insurance Policy For Children 

People often ignore some features that must be included in their child’s health insurance coverage. To make sure that those features are included and you get a comprehensive and exclusive health insurance policy, there is a list of certain factors that you should keep in mind while buying a health insurance cover for your children. Let us look at some of those factors which are to be kept in mind while buying a health insurance cover for children: 

  • Make sure that coverage features like OPD treatment, pre and post-hospitalization expenses, no limit on room rent, no payment clause, and in-patient hospitalization are included. 
  • Check that the insurer has a wide network of linked hospitals to ensure cashless claim facilities in case of an emergency. This way of claiming the policy will reduce your involvement in the whole process thus, making it a quick and hassle-free experience for you. In such cases, the payment is made by the insurer directly to the hospital. 
  • Choose a plan that covers a maximum number of critical illnesses to make sure that your requirements are met. 
  • The sum assured under the policy should not be less or more than required. Therefore, choose a plan which suits your needs without affecting your financial budget. 


There are a plethora of options that are available in the insurance market, therefore it is necessary that you do enough research to choose a suitable plan for yourself. You must closely go through the inclusions and exclusions in your policy to avoid any hassles while claiming your policy. 

Also Read: All About Child Health Insurance In India

How To Claim Children Health Insurance?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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