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Benefits of Group Health Insurance Plan From Employer

There are different types of health insurance policies in the market to meet the demands of different groups of people in the society. Some of the types of health insurance plans that are prominently bought in our country include individual health insurance plan, family floater plan, maternity benefit cover, group health insurance cover, critical illness plan, and a lot more. All these covers serve a similar purpose of protecting individuals against high medical expenses in the times of rising inflation but they all differ in their features and working basis. Before investing in a certain type of plan you must be aware of your requirements and coverage required.

Group health insurance plans cover a large group of people that generally work under an employer, organization, or a company. It is the responsibility of the employer to look after the needs and health of the employee to make sure that the human capital remains unaffected and the work output is enhanced. Some companies grant health insurance policies to their employees for free while others might charge a certain amount for the payment of premiums. Tax deduction benefits are not provided on group health insurance covers to the policyholders.

Benefits of Group Health Insurance Plan From Employer

About Group Health Insurance Policy

A group health insurance cover, also known as an employer health insurance plan is a health insurance cover which secures the hospitalization expenses of a group of people working under the same organization, company, or employer. Since these covers are bought in bulk, they are cheaper and provide comprehensive coverage to the policyholders. These covers offer insurance to individuals and in certain cases, their family, depending on the employer. This health insurance cover is available and valid for the employees as long as they continue to work in the company. Following are some of the well-known features of group health insurance:

  • This health insurance cover ensures quality treatment in private hospitals at the time of a medical emergency.
  • Cashless claim benefits are also provided to the policyholders at the network hospital of the insurer.
  • It makes the claim settlement process quick, smooth, and hassle-free.
  • Expenses like pre and post-hospitalization, domiciliary costs, inpatient expenses are also looked after under this plan.
  • Maternity benefits cover is provided to the female employee of the company or organization.
  • It also provides coverage for hospitalization of less than 24 hours like eye surgery, chemotherapy, etc.
  • These health insurance covers come with a waiting period of either one day or no waiting period at all, depending on the insurer.
  • Coverage can be extended for specific critical diseases under this plan for the policyholders.

Benefits of Group Health Insurance Cover

Let us look at some of the benefits that can be availed by the employees under their group health insurance policy provided by the employer:

  • Low Premiums

The cost of a group health insurance cover is cheaper than any other type of health insurance plan like family floater plan or individual health insurance plan, as the sum assured is shared among a group of people and the plan is bought in bulk.

  • Value of Employees

Investing in a health insurance cover for the employees of a company or organization is an act of caring. This makes the employees feel valued within the firm and they work hard to deliver their best services to the company.

  • Increased Advantages

With the increase in the number of people insured under a group health insurance cover, the coverage of the plan also increases thus offering advantages like hospitalization expenses, extra covers, etc.

  • Family Is Protected

Under the group health insurance plan, along with the employees their families are also protected against the high medical expenses in case of a medical emergency. However, if this cover is insufficient to meet the demands of your family, you can buy a separate family floater plan to cover their expenses at an affordable price.

  • Easy Claims

For a group health insurance cover, no pre-medical health checkups are required and employees can easily make claims by approaching their employer instead of the insurance company. Individuals can also get cashless claim benefits at the network hospital of the insurer.


You can easily stay secured under your group health insurance cover, but if the cover is insufficient to meet your demands like that of critical disorders, pre-existing diseases, etc. then you must invest in a separate health insurance plan. You must carefully read the policy related documents to avoid any inconvenience at the time of claim settlement process.

Must Read: Don't Know Anything About Group Health Insurance? Read This Article to Know It

Benefits of Group Health Insurance Policy for Employees

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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