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Benefits of Buying Rs. 1 Crore Health Insurance Cover

Having a health insurance policy is very important in today's world, with rising medical costs and an increasing number of deadly diseases. Rs. 1 Crore Health Insurance Covers are gaining more and more popularity, with more insurance companies emphasizing them. Although it might sound like an over-the-top amount of insurance, it can be hugely beneficial for several reasons. This article will discuss more about this plan.

Benefits of Buying Rs. 1 Crore Health Insurance Cover

Benefits of Rs 1 Crore Health Insurance Cover

Although it might seem like an exorbitant amount, there are several benefits to having an insurance cover amounting to as much as Rs 1 Crore. Take a look at some of the most important benefits under this plan.

Must Read: Difference Between Health Insurance and Critical Illness cover

1. To Tackle Inflation

Rising rates of inflation are an increasingly pertinent concern. Medical costs for even the simplest of procedures are rising. Failure to acquire proper treatment can only lead to the worsening of the situation, thereby also leading to an increase in costs in the long run. Therefore, to get the proper medical treatment in today's economy as well as in the near future, a Rs 1 Crore health insurance cover can be hugely beneficial. Not only does this kind of health insurance policy cover the immediate medical cost of the policyholder, but also pre-hospitalization as well as post-hospitalization costs.

2. To Provide for Critical Illnesses

Critical illnesses are extremely concerning in and of themselves, as well as incur heavy financial burdens. Moreover, they are also largely not ignorable, which means that the treatment has to be done right away and well enough. To avoid compromising on the quality of treatment that can be availed by the terminally or critically ill patient, it is best to extend your coverage to as much as possible. Rs 1 Crore is a substantial amount that can cover most medical costs and keep you from burning a hole through your pocket.

3. Lucrative Covers

Rs 1 Crore health insurance plans have various types of lucrative add-on options such as cancer cover, global cover etc. There are also unique covers available such as a second medical opinion. This comes in handy in case of serious illnesses like cancer and the like, where getting the opinion from multiple medical officials is important before the patient can undertake any drastic medical procedure. Other available add-ons may include repatriation cover which is beneficial for transferable officials in the military service.

4. Peace of Mind

Undoubtedly, having such a robust health insurance plan can bring anyone incredible peace of mind. Whether you are travelling, or undergoing a serious medical checkup, having this kind of health insurance will ensure you can go through them stress-free. Moreover, it can keep you, as well as your family safe and sound, sufficiently, under a single plan.


Contrary to popular belief, just because the total cover under this insurance plan is of such a huge amount, you do not have to pay premiums throughout your life. Most Rs 1 Crore health insurance plans have different premium payment periods which the policyholder can choose from, according to their convenience. However, it of course becomes easier to pay for the health insurance if the instalments are divided over a longer span of time. In conclusion, it is always better to be safe and put your funds to good use by purchasing a health insurance cover that can well serve you as well as your family.

Also Read: 10 Benefits of Health Insurance Riders

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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