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Basic Questions To Ask Your Insurer While Buying Health Insurance

Most of us have a propensity to purchase insurance that appears inexpensive, regardless of whether it provides the necessary coverage or not. People also have a weird tendency to follow the crowd; for example, if our neighbour has purchased insurance, we are likely to perceive it to be a decent choice and purchase it without giving it much thought. Instead of becoming overwhelmed by offers or friends, one should ideally conduct more thorough study before purchasing health insurance. To find out more on health insurance, read on.

Basic Questions To Ask Your Insurer While Buying Health Insurance

What Are Some Basic Things That One Should Be Aware Of While Buying Health Insurance?

Following are some basic things that an individual should be aware of while buying health insurance -

  • Which Network Hospitals Are There In The Area?

You must be admitted to a network hospital if you want to take advantage of a cashless settlement of your claim. A corporation has a list of these hospitals, and it is up to you to determine whether any of them are in your desired location or are part of the company's network.

  • Will My Pre-Existing Medical Conditions Be Covered?

At the beginning of the policy period, every insurer limits coverage for pre-existing conditions for a specific length of time. You need to learn how long there is a waiting period for pre-existing conditions and when you may start receiving coverage. You essentially need to know whether your pre-existing disease is entirely excluded from the coverage or is only temporarily not covered.

  • Who Do I Contact If I Need To Be Hospitalised Immediately?

You don't need the added stress of learning about the claim settlement procedure during an emergency circumstance, which already includes a lot of stress. Find out the policy for emergency hospitalisation whether your coverage allows for the cashless payment of claims. Inquire about the paperwork and, more significantly, who you should call in case of such an emergency hospitalisation. A good broker will have a customer care desk or a designated person who can assist with a claim.

  • What Should I Do If A Hospital Outside Of My Network Admits Me?

Knowing the claim procedure at that time is crucial since you could be admitted to a non-network hospital in an emergency. Always keep in mind that receiving care at a non-network hospital would only be on a reimbursement basis, meaning you would be responsible for paying the associated costs before your insurer would pay you back. Find out the procedure for reimbursement, the records needed in this instance, the notification deadline for the insurance provider, etc.

  • What Types Of Papers Are Needed To Make A Claim?

One of the most frequent questions about health insurance is this one, and having the solution at the outset makes the claims procedure run much more smoothly. At the time of a claim, the firm essentially requests identification documentation from the insured members, such as a health card, medical bills, etc. In the event of cashless claims that are to be submitted to the TPA, a pre-authorisation form is necessary. Other papers can also be necessary, therefore it's important to be aware of them so that your claim can be handled without delay.

  • What Procedure Does The Organisation Use To Process Claims?

Your health plan will really be put to the test during the claim settlement phase. To determine if the procedure is clear-cut or complicated, you should inquire about the company's claim settlement procedure. Additionally, pay close attention to whether the firm reimburses customers or uses a cashless option to settle grievances. Your greatest option for avoiding any financial pressure from medical costs is a cashless facility.


If you want your claim under the plan to be paid without much hassle, you must be aware of the answers to these health insurance questions. Due to their vast knowledge in managing health insurance claims, your broker would be the perfect person to provide you with the answers to these queries. Therefore, go to your broker, have your questions about health insurance addressed, and then purchase your health plan.

Also Read: What Is Domiciliary Treatment In Health Care?


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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