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Barbados Extends Gratitude to Indian Government for Covid-19 Vaccine

In a letter addressed to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Mia Mottley, Barbados Prime Minister has thanked the Indian government and the people for generously donating Covishield, the covid-19 vaccine dose developed by Serum Institute. 

It must be noted that last month, Mottley had written to Prime Minister Modi, requesting access to coronavirus vaccines to conduct immunisation coverage for the island nation.

Quite recently, Barbados media reported that India will be giving the country 1,00,000 doses of novel coronavirus vaccine. Barbados has a population of over 2.87 lakhs. The confirmed cases of coronavirus in the country are 1,641, out of which 1,274 have recovered.

Barbados PM stated that the country’s health ministry has given confirmation of Covishield vaccine being approved for use in Barbados. Covishield vaccine doses will be administered as per the guidelines provided by the manufacturer. The letter read, “The Covishield vaccine has been approved for usage in Barbados by The Minister of Health and Wellness as well as Chief Medical Officer. Vaccines will be administered in adherence to the manufacturers' guidelines. Excellency, please accept the assurances of my highest consideration”.

Loop Cayman, a renowned news resource confirmed that the first supply of 50,000 coronavirus vaccines, including 100,000 doses, from India will be administered to frontline workers, essential services, police and security forces, hotel workers, supermarket employees and seniors on priority basis. 

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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