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AYUSH Health Insurance Benefits

Modern medicines have their own significance and they have indeed helped a lot of patients recover from critical diseases. But, the side effects of these medicines and treatments are beyond expectations. We can see a person suffering from a certain disease has to go through additional difficulties due to the high-cost modern treatment that they are receiving. To deal with such cases, there exists AYUSH treatment under which several ayurvedic and ancient science medical treatments are covered. These treatments have brought in reforms and have revived the ancient culture of medicine in our country. 

The treatments and therapies under AYUSH treatment can be received along with the other therapies like chemotherapy, dialysis, etc. as it provides treatment with minimal side effects. The results of the treatments by AYUSH have been remarkable and therefore, insurance companies have started including AYUSH treatments under their comprehensive health insurance plans so that the cost incurred by the patient is taken care of without any hassles. 

AYUSH Health Insurance Benefits

About AYUSH Treatment 

AYUSH is the acronym for Ayurvedic, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy. It is a set of ancient treatments that can be received by patients at low costs and it has minimum to no side effects. This alternative treatment for the customers was included by IRDAI in the health insurance policies in the year 2013. It gave the policyholders an option in case they did not want to be treated by the modern and advanced technology in medicine. The central government has also introduced a Ministry of AYUSH, to improve the conditions of the hospitals offering this kind of treatment.  For years now, AYUSH treatments have started developing a good base of trusting customers and the citizens have been receiving the treatments without doubting the effectiveness of the medicine. 

Benefits of AYUSH Treatments 

Now that the medical expenses incurred in the case of AYUSH treatments are included in the health insurance policies, people have received a lot of facilities from the insurers and to a certain extent, this has helped in enhancing the quality of medical services in the subcontinent. Let us look at some of the benefits that you can get if you choose a health insurance policy covering the costs of AYUSH treatments: 

  • The cost of treatment is low and therefore, customers from all sections of the society can benefit from the AYUSH treatments. 
  • The treatment is highly effective and gives positive results with no side effects which have made it more popular among people. It is based on the ancient culture of medicines and this revival of the traditional medicine culture has been accepted open-mindedly by the people of our country. 
  • The cover is available to all people across the country. There are no geographic limits on the coverage of the policy within the country. 
  • Particularly in remote areas, it is one of the highly accepted and efficient modes of medical treatment. Also, it is effective for old people as the no side-effects of this treatment give them a smooth and less painful experience. 
  • The side effects are prominent, obvious, and unavoidable in the case of chemical drugs. Therefore, a switch to AYUSH treatments has been a revolutionary step.
  • The people insured under the AYUSH treatment policy get multiple options of treatments for their chronic diseases like kidney ailments, cardiac ailments, etc. 
  • The treatments under AYUSH are first-rate curative treatments and do not make any major change in the lifestyle of the patient. Tobacco consumption, addictions, hypertension, etc can also be dealt with under this policy cover. 


There are several insurers who offer AYUSH treatments to their policyholders. However, there are certain exclusions in the policies offered for this specific treatment. Therefore, you must carefully read the inclusions and exclusions of your health insurance policy to make sure that you are making the right claim request. You must compare and select the most suitable health insurance policy for yourself and your loved ones, as it is necessary that the policy cover your maximum demands. The policies offering AYUSH treatments are low-cost and can be customized according to your requirements. 

Also Read: How Aarogya Sanjeevani Policy helps us avail of the best Ayush Treatment?

What is AYUSH Coverage in Health Insurance?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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