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Are Top-Up Health Insurance Plans Expensive?

Health insurance plans are effective and beneficial only when they serve their entire purpose which is to provide financial support to the individuals at the time of medical emergency. But, sometimes the purchased health insurance cover is not sufficient to meet the demands of the individuals especially the ones suffering from critical diseases or looking for maternity benefits. Therefore, to suffice the requirements to the customers the health insurance providers have come up with top-up and super top-up plans which add extra value to a policyholder's existing health insurance policy at an affordable price. 

Top-up health insurance policies are like optional health insurance cover which can be bought on top of the base health insurance policies to add extra coverage to the plan. The premium rate of these plans is less when compared to the standard health insurance policy. It compensates for the medical expenses that exceed the deductible limit of the base plan and it provides compensation for only a single medical illness in a policy year. Other benefits and features come attached with the plan for making the plan beneficial for the customers. 

Are Top-Up Health Insurance Plans Expensive?

About Top-Up Health Insurance Covers 

Top-up health insurance plans are additional health insurance plans that pay for a single medical illness of an individual after the policyholders’ threshold limit for the base plan exceeds. It comes into play only when the medical expenses surpass the sum assured of your standard health insurance. You can customize your top-up plan and set the deductibles according to your financial budget. The benefits and features of the policy can be specific to meet your demands. 

Are Top-Up Health Insurance Covers Expensive? 

The premium amount of the top-up health insurance cover depends on the deductibles and sum assured under the cover.  The higher the deductible or threshold limit, lower will be the premium amount for the policy. Also, with the increase in the sum assured the premium rate of the cover also increases. You can compare the plans and choose the one that is affordable and comprehensive. You must get a top-up plan as it provides financial support to the individuals at the time of medical emergency. The growing inflation in the health sector can drain your entire savings and therefore, a suitable top-up health insurance cover is good to aid you for the expenses. 

Essential Features of A Top-Up Health Insurance Cover 

Let us look at some of the basic features that are offered in a top-up health insurance cover to the customers: 

  • This cover can be converted into a standard health insurance policy with ease by the insurer on demand of the policyholder. 
  • If the parents are covered under a top-up health insurance plan then, the children can be included too, to provide a wide coverage. 
  • There are no sub limits or limitations on the medical cost. 
  • No claim bonus and cumulative bonus is offered on the sum assured for every claim free year in a policy tenure. 
  • Some insurance providers also provide family discounts to their customers. 
  • A free look period of 15 days is offered to the customers for carefully going through the policy-related documents. 
  • Lifetime renewability of policies is offered to the policyholders with the same set of benefits. 

Benefits of A Top-Up Health Insurance Cover 

Following is the list of some of the benefits that can be availed by the customers on their purchased top-up health insurance cover: 

  • It provides a financial backup to the policyholders, in case the sum assured under the base health insurance plan gets exhausted. 
  • It can be purchased even when you don't have a base health insurance policy. 
  • Policyholders get tax deduction benefits on their premium payments under the Section 80D of the Income Tax Act. 


The coverage of the top-up health insurance policy is comprehensive and affordable. You must carefully go through the fine print to ensure the inclusions and exclusions of your policy cover, to avoid any inconvenience at the time of claim settlement process. 

Also Read: What Are Top-Up And Super Top-Up Plans In Health Insurance?

Top Health Insurance Plans For Children To Buy In 2021

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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