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All You Need To Know About Treatment For TB In India

Tuberculosis or TB is still quite a common health problem in India. It must be treated adequately so that not only does the patient heal adequately, but also keeps it from spreading to others. To treat TB, either medication will be administered or there might even be surgery. This depends on the severity of the infection and the doctor’s discretion. Read on to find all about this disease. 

All You Need To Know About Treatment For TB In India

Types of Tuberculosis

The patient can be diagnosed with two different kinds of TB. It is important that the right kind of diagnosis can be done so that the treatment can be meted out accordingly. It is also important to get the opinion of a registered medical practitioner instead of administering any general treatment. 

1. Pulmonary TB

In this kind of tuberculosis, the lungs of the patient are infected with the bacteria. Its symptoms include coughing, coughing up blood, chest pain, sudden weight loss, fatigue and other unusual bodily indications. It is an infectious disease and can easily spread. 

2. Non-Pulmonary TB

Non-pulmonary TB or extrapulmonary TB occurs when the infection from the bacteria causing tuberculosis is concentrated outside of the lungs. It is usually infectious as pulmonary TB is. It affects organ systems excluding the lungs and chest area and can affect babies as well. 

Types of Patients for Tuberculosis

There are different types of TB patients, who are segregated according to the treatment that they will receive. Depending on which category they fall under, they will then be administered the necessary treatment. 

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1. New TB Patients

These are TB patients who have never been affected by TB before, which means they have never had to take any drugs or had to undergo treatment for TB. However, it also largely takes into consideration those who have taken anti TB drugs for less than one month.

2. Previously Treated Patients

In general, this considers all patients who have had more than a month of TB treatment in the past. There are other subcategories like previously treated patients like recurrent patients. These are patients who although have received treatment but have been tested to still have been found to not have been completely cured of the disease yet. Other TB patients who fall under this category are those who might have their course of treatment failed or those who had not followed up on their treatment. 

3. Transfer Patients

This is the category of TB patients who might be transferred to another TB unit other than the one in which they had been initially registered for treatment. 

4. Detection of Tuberculosis or TB

If you feel like you are showing signs and symptoms of having TB, you can get a test done. There are two common tests that are carried out for detecting TB, a skin test (TST) or blood tests. Tuberculosis might also be detected via any Rapid Diagnostic Molecular. Essentially, what is being tested is the bacteria that can cause TB. The infected person can test positive for TB anywhere from 4 to 10 days after becoming exposed to the infection.


It is important to monitor TB patients as well as keep an eye on people around them. As it is a contagious disease, it is crucial that the infection does not spread. If the proper treatment is not administered on time, TB can become fatal for the patients. Therefore, the right treatment at the right time is crucial.

Also Read: Can You Get Insurance Cover For IVF Treatment In India?

 Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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