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All You Need to Know about the WhatsApp Insurance Revolution

One of the greatest used communication channels for sending text messages to their friends, relatives, and others, WhatsApp is now adding value for the insurers and the insured in India. Making the most of the messenger app, several insurers have introduced Artificial Intelligence enabled WhatsApp channel for client servicing. Since last year, the health insurance industry of India has brought several customer-oriented initiatives for the good of the insurers as well as the policyholders. Lately, Aditya Birla Health Insurance Co. Ltd. has started this platform to serve its customers. 

The new platform will help the customers avail numerous benefits anytime and anywhere through WhatsApp. The Chief Executive Officer of Aditya Birla Health Insurance, Mayank Bathwal shares, “Customers can get their service requirements being met in a simple, fast and convenient way using the popular WhatsApp platform.”

With this new approach, one could use the official accounts of the insurance companies for any insurance-related query and get the same answered on a real-time basis, unlike the traditional menu-based approach of selecting from the given options. For example, the customers can seek information related to funding value, tax certificates, due details etc. Other facilities that the customers could enjoy with the new approach are - updating their profiles on a real-time basis, finding the nearest company branch, change in the name, changing nominee, changing payment mode and seeking information regarding claim status and revival.   

As far as queries related to the policies are concerned, the insurers would first be authenticated before they seek their policy information. The feature has been extended to new policy issuance. The new customer will receive a link through which he/she will be able to download the policy document. By doing this, as per the experts, the process and platform will become more secure.   

Also, the company is working towards the customers receiving renewal notifications via text messages and options of self-servicing on WhatsApp. “We have created this digital asset in the health insurance category which ensures us to engage with our customers at various touchpoints. Hence, we have launched the WhatsApp platform for our customers to experience seamless communication and flow of information about their policy anytime and anywhere at their fingertips. Knowing the popularity and reach, we hope to use this platform as an effective medium to touch base with our customers”, Bathwal adds.

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