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All You Need To Know About IFFCO Tokio Swasthya Kavach Policy For Your Family

Healthcare has advanced rapidly over the years to combat the rising threat of various kinds of diseases and illnesses. However, to avail of adequate treatment might not always be a smooth process. There are hurdles regarding access, emergency availability and most importantly, your finances. To deal with such problems, a health insurance policy like the IFFCO Tokio Swasthya Kavach Policy is very important.

The IFFCO Tokio Swasthya Kavach Policy is a family health policy that offers comprehensive support and protection not only for yourself but also for your family. It has multiple beneficial features under it that are of great help when you require medical attention. This article will discuss more on the plan.

All You Need To Know About IFFCO Tokio Swasthya Kavach Policy For Your Family

Features of the IFFCO Tokio Swasthya Kavach Policy

The following are the key features of the IFFCO Tokio Swasthya Kavach Policy.

1.Family Cover

With a single IFFCO Tokio Swasthya Kavach Policy, you can ensure the safety of your family. It provides comprehensive coverage to the policyholder, the spouse and three other dependents. All individuals covered by the plan must not be younger than 3 months or older than 23 years at the commencement of the plan. Therefore, with a single plan, you can avail benefits for multiple individuals of your family.

2. No Medical Check-Up

The IFFCO Tokio Swasthya Kavach Policy requires no medical check-up for all insured individuals who are below the age of 60. This helps to purchase the insurance plan readily and commence the plan as soon as possible. It also makes it easier to get the insured approved.

3. Cashless Treatment

With the Cashless Treatment benefit, you can readily admit any of the insured individuals to a network hospital of the insurance company. You will not have to pay anything on your own and all expenses will be directly covered by the insurance provider. This is very helpful during emergencies as it ensures immediate attention is not delayed due to lack of funds or their arrangement. IFFCO Tokio Swasthya Kavach Policy has over 6400 network hospitals which make them easily available at most places.

Covers under the IFFCO Tokio Swasthya Kavach Policy

There are a number of covers available under the IFFCO Tokio Swasthya Kavach Policy which makes the policy comprehensive and robust. Here are some of the key covers that are provided under the IFFCO Tokio Swasthya Kavach Policy.

1. Room Charges

The room charges benefit is available as per the actual amount incurred if the sum insured under the policy is more than Rs. 3 Lakhs. If it is less than Rs. 3 Lakhs, up to 1% or 1.5% of the sum insured is paid out. 

2. ICU Charges

Under the IFFCO Tokio Swasthya Kavach Policy, you can get your ambulance charge covered completely if your sum insured is above Rs. 3 Lakhs. If it is less, up to 2% or 2.5% of the sum insured is covered. 

3. Ambulance Charges

Availing of an ambulance during emergencies is crucial. To assist you on the task, the IFFCO Tokio Swasthya Kavach Policy provides up to Rs. 1500, per hospitalisation, on ambulance charges.

4. Critical Illness Cover

Critical illnesses may incur hefty expenses and may require emergency medical attention. The critical illness covered by IFFCO Tokio Swasthya Kavach Policy is especially helpful in such cases. It provides comprehensive protection against all contingencies.

Must Check: Best IFFCO Tokio Health Insurance Plans To Buy In 2021

Advantages of Buying Health Insurance from IFFCO Tokio


The IFFCO Tokio Swasthya Kavach Policy is a profitable plan that is filled with various benefits. It ensures the best healthcare for you as well as your family. This is why it makes for a beneficial purchase.

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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