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All You Need To Know About Group Health Insurance

There are various types of health insurance policies that are provided to the customers. It is important for each and every individual to have a suitable health insurance policy, considering a huge list of benefits that it provides in the long term to its policyholders in case of an emergency. Health insurance covers can be purchased for both individuals and groups. You can purchase a health insurance policy that covers you and your family that includes you, your spouse, children, and dependent parents. Some organizations, companies, and groups provide their employees a health insurance policy that can be extended to their family members as well. 

Group health insurance policy bears fruits for both the employee and the employer. It covers a wide range of benefits. Being the employer of a certain company, it becomes the responsibility of the company to look after its employee’s health care. This policy makes sure that employees and their families are protected from heavy medical expenses that they might incur due to an unforeseen event or a mishap. 

All You Need To Know About Group Health Insurance

Group Health Insurance Policy 

A group health insurance policy shields a group of people against the medical expenses incurred in case of an emergency. Though a wide range of coverage is included under such policies, sometimes these coverage benefits might not suffice the needs of certain individuals. Critical illnesses and chronic disorders like cancer, diabetes, nervous disorder, organ transplant, and others require a huge amount of treatment, which cannot be extracted from a group health insurance policy, and therefore people suffering from such diseases must invest in a separate health insurance policy with high premium that can cover high expenses. Let us look at some of the basic features of a group health insurance policy or also known as a corporate health insurance policy: 

  • Employees cannot choose a health insurance plan under a group health insurance policy. It is the choice of the employer as to which plan has to be rolled out to its employees. 
  • The contract of the group health insurance policy is owned by the employer and certificates are given to the employees. 
  • The company or organization can cancel the group health insurance policy at any time. 
  • The coverage benefits under this policy are available as long as a person is an employee in the company. 
  • The policy depends on the financial strength of the employer or the organization. 
  • Unlike a regular health insurance policy, a group health insurance policy does not get expensive with the increase in age of the employee. 

Advantages of a Group Health Insurance Policy For Employees 

In the case of a group health insurance policy, both the employer and the employee are subjected to benefits from the insurer. Let us look at some of the benefits that an employee gets under a group health insurance policy: 

  • The health insurance policy is customized as per the employee’s medical needs. 
  • There is no waiting period on the coverage of the policy. That is, unlike a regular health insurance policy, the benefits of a group health insurance policy can be incurred any time after the purchase of the policy. 
  • Best medical facilities are provided under this policy cover. 
  • A cover for the pre-existing diseases is also included in certain cases. 
  • The policy provided includes no limit on the list of diseases that are covered. 
  • For female employees, a separate maternity insurance cover with benefits for the newborn baby is also included. 
  • The cost of premium payments is low in a group health insurance policy compared to a regular health insurance policy. 


A group health insurance policy is beneficial when it comes to standard health insurance cover for the employees. But, if a person is suffering from some disease that requires a high cost of treatment, then it is better to purchase a personal health insurance plan and not rely on group health insurance policies. Also, you must be aware of the inclusions and exclusions in your health insurance policy to avoid any confusion at the time of an emergency.

Also Read: Benefits of Group Health Insurance Policy for Employees

How to Switch from Group Health Insurance to Individual Health Cover

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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