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All About Survival Period In Health Insurance

People are now more susceptible to chronic diseases, which can be fatal, as a result of recent changes in everyday lifestyle. When it comes to obtaining financial assistance for the compensation of the medical costs acquired during hospitalization in case of a medical emergency, health insurance plans are the rescuers. 

To assist people with a range of medical issues, the health insurance companies offer a variety of health insurance policies. One must carefully consider their needs before purchasing a health insurance plan, and only then should they make a purchase. You can select a good health insurance plan for yourself and your loved ones based on a variety of considerations, including your age, the sum assured, your financial situation, any current medical conditions, and much more.

All About Survival Period In Health Insurance

What Is The Survival Period?

A crucial component of a significant insurance policy is the survival period. It is the amount of time one must endure after receiving a severe illness diagnosis. Since the majority of serious illnesses don't result in a death benefit, it won't be advantageous for your family if you pass away during the surviving period. Once the survival time has passed, you are eligible for all insurance benefits. The survival period's duration varies according to the insurer and is typically between 14 days and a month.

When purchasing insurance, this aspect must be taken into account. Your emotional fatigue will be prevented by a shorter survival span. You will be able to benefit more from the policy as a result. ​

If You Don't Survive The Survival Period, Do You Get A Return On Premium?

For failing to survive the health insurance plan's survival period, the majority of critical illness health insurance providers do not offer a return on premium. Many of the market's critical illness health insurance options don't provide death benefits. The refund of premium payments made to the policyholder's family upon his or her passing is known as return on the premium.

Are Waiting Period And Survival Period Same?

No, a waiting period is not the same as the surviving period. A survival period is the amount of time you must endure after receiving a catastrophic disease diagnosis. However, the waiting period is the amount of time you must wait before filing an insurance claim, such as for pre-existing conditions, critical illnesses, maternity coverage, etc.

Generally speaking, a surviving period is shorter than a waiting period. Depending on the critical illness plan, the survival period can range from two weeks to one month, while waiting periods can be anywhere from 15 days and four years. For instance, a critical illness insurance policy might have a 90-day waiting period and a 30-day survival term. Similar to this, a family health insurance plan's pre-existing condition waiting time may be 4 years long but only 2 years for pregnancy coverage.

A waiting period is present in all types of health insurance plans, including critical illness insurance plans, however a surviving period can only be found in critical illness insurance policies. In addition, although a waiting period begins to run as soon as the policy is bought, a survival period only begins to run once a person has been given a critical disease diagnosis.


A critical illness insurance policy's survival period is a crucial component. If you do not live through this time, you will not be qualified to receive the lump sum benefit under your policy. Therefore, it is important to consider the critical illness plan's survival term while making a purchase and to choose one with a shorter survival period.

Also read: Why Is It A Must For Women To Have A Health Insurance Plan?

Health Insurance Plans For Cancer Treatment


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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