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Affordable Health Insurance Plans For People Aged Below 40 Years

Health insurance policies have gained  significant importance in the past few years and the health insurance providers have come up with comprehensive and exclusive health insurance policies to ensure that quality services are delivered to the customers at an affordable price. Various alterations have been made like introduction of COVID specific policies, tax deductions, mental health covers, etc. to improve the insurance benefits for the policyholders. Under the health insurance plans you can avail benefits like inpatient hospitalization, cashless treatment benefit, ambulance charges, room rents, domiciliary expenses, no claim bonuses, and a lot more. To avail these benefits you must buy a health insurance cover for yourself or your family as early as possible. 

It is usually advised that people should buy health insurance covers in their young age as there is a less risk of contracting diseases and you can overcome the waiting period without making any claims for your policy. With the increase in age, the premium rates of a policy also increases, and therefore you must invest in a health insurance cover as soon as you start earning. 

Affordable Health Insurance Plans For People Aged Below 40 Years

Affordable Health Insurance Plans For People Below The Age of 40 Years 

Let us look at some comprehensive and affordable health insurance plans for individuals below the age of 40 years: 

1. Universal Sompo Individual Health Insurance 

This health insurance cover can be bought for both individuals as well as family. The entry age limit to purchase this cover is around 55 years and it covers the medical expenses incurred during the diagnosis of a disease or treatment of accidental injuries. Under this plan you can buy attractive add-on covers for critical illness that will add extra benefits to your existing policy at an affordable price. You as a policyholder of this policy become eligible for the benefit of tax deduction under the Section 80D of the Income Tax Act. It also provides in-house claim settlement and lifelong renewability of policy to its policyholders. 

2. United India UNI CritiCare Health Insurance Plan 

This critical illness health insurance policy covers around 11 critical disorders and ensures complete protection to the policyholders against any medical expenses. The age limit to avail the benefits of this policy ranges from 21 years to 65 years. The sum assured under this cover varies according to the inclusions of the policy depending on the insurer. Critical diseases like cancer, stroke, coma, kidney failure, heart attack, and much more are covered under this plan. 

3. Reliance Critical Illness Insurance Plan

This health insurance cover includes some critical illnesses and certain acute illnesses of individuals above the age of 18 years. Policyholders under the age of 45 years do not have to go through pre-medical checkup under this plan. Organ transplant, cancer, heart attack, third degree burns, etc. are some critical disorders that are considered under this health insurance plan. To purchase this health insurance cover you can make online payments with ease using the secure payment gateway. The services under this plan are not for individuals who claim the plan for intentional injuries or suicidal attempts. 

4. Oriental Individual Mediclaim Health Insurance Plan 

This is one of the most popular health insurance policies for people of the age 18 to 65 years, with assured sum ranging from Rs. 1 Lakh to Rs. 10 Lakh. No pre-medical checkup is required for people below the age of 55 years and it offers discounts on family covers. This plan covers the medical expenses for X-Rays, diagnostic tests, dialysis, chemotherapy, ICU charges, etc. 

5. Edelweiss Health Insurance Policy 

This comprehensive health insurance plan comes in three different variants with unique coverage and benefits for the policyholders. It provides expenses for AYUSH treatments, maternity benefits, organ donors, daycare treatments, etc. and there is no capping on the ICU charges for the policyholders.  


People below the age of 40 years should invest in a suitable health insurance policy as soon as possible, to protect themselves and their families against any medical expenses incurred during an emergency. You must read the policy-related documents properly to understand the inclusions and exclusions in your policy as it avoids any inconvenience at the time of claim settlement process. 

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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