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Aditya Birla Health Insurance Premium Calculator

Before investing in a health insurance policy, you consider several factors like age, medical history, pre-existing diseases, financial budget, etc. An exclusive feature of online premium calculators can make your comparison and research of the health insurance policies even easier for you. With the advancement in technology, everything can be done at the comfort of home without much effort. All you need is a good internet connection to calculate your premiums online. It gives you an idea of your future expenses and helps you prepare for overcoming financial spendings. 

Aditya Birla Health Insurance offers a wide variety of health insurance products like critical illness plans, cancer covers, personal accident covers, etc. to its customers at a negotiable price. The policies offered can be customized to make sure that it meets the requirements of the policyholders. It covers the medical expenses like ambulance charges, pre and post-hospitalization costs, domiciliary expenses, and a lot more under the health insurance covers. Its online premium calculator enables the policyholders to calculate the premiums of the policy they plan on buying. 

About Aditya Birla Health Insurance 

Aditya Birla Health Insurance offers exclusive wellness benefits and rewards to its customers which has made it one of the  trusted insurance companies in the subcontinent. It encourages the policyholders to practice a healthy lifestyle resultant of which they will be awarded with some extra benefits. Some of the prominent features of Aditya Birla Health Insurance are as follows: 

  • This company has a network of 6,000+ hospitals that support cashless claim facilities offered by the insurer. 
  • It offers lifelong renewability of policies to its policyholders. 
  • The company had a claim settlement ratio of 70.81% in FY 2019-20. 
  • It also has short-term affordable COVID-19 covers to offer to its customers. 

Aditya Birla Health Insurance Premium Calculator

How To Calculate Premium At Aditya Birla Health Insurance Premium Calculator ?

Premium calculator enables a customer to check the premium of a policy before buying it, which gives them a fair idea of their future expenses. An online premium calculator can be accessed at the official website of Aditya Birla Health Insurance and it is more reliable and accurate. A premium calculation done using pen and paper can become very complicated and might not yield an accurate answer. Therefore, by providing certain details like your age, medical history, policy term, coverage details, plan chosen, sum assured that you need, etc. you can calculate your premium for a desired health insurance policy. After providing the mentioned details, all the suitable plans for you will be displayed on your screen. 

Benefits of Calculating Aditya Birla Health Insurance Premium Online 

Knowing the premium payment for a health insurance policy makes it easy for the policyholder to maintain their finances. Let us look at some of the essential features of calculating your premiums online at Aditya Birla Health Insurance: 

  • You can choose additional covers and  riders as needed 
  • You become aware of your future expenses
  • You can choose if the premium is suitable for you or not, and then make necessary changes. 
  • It lets you compare multiple policies and choose the one that meets your requirements. 
  • You can escape a financial crisis that is likely to occur due to future premium payments. 
  • You can opt for a health insurance cover that is suitable for you at an affordable price. 
  • It is accurate and time-saving for the customers.
  • You can shortlist or filter the quotes according to your needs. 
  • Can be accessed online, without much effort. 

It is always convenient and wise to calculate the premium beforehand as it facilitates the shortlisting process when buying or renewing a health insurance policy. To calculate the premium, all you have to do is visit the official website of the insurance company, and the rest of the procedure will be directed from there. 


Online premium calculators are the easiest way to know the premium of a health insurance policy by being at home. You can compare various plans and policies at the Aditya Birla Health Insurance, by comparing the premium rates of the plans. It also enables you to add certain extra benefits and top-up plans, as you become aware of the financial budget. 

Also Read: A Guide For Paying Health Insurance Premiums In Instalments

Saving on Health Insurance Premiums

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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