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Aditya Birla Health Insurance Offers Insurance Covers to LGBTQ People.

In this world, where achieving parity looks quite difficult for many, Aditya Birla Health Insurance is taking an initiative to pave the way to a healthier life for the LGBTQ community. However, a challenge may arise to make same-sex partners come forward to utilize the policies, as they might hesitate to unveil their sexual orientation and identities. But, Aditya Birla Health Insurance is keen on making this happen. In addition to this, the insurer has extended its benefits to live-in partners as well.

This is majorly done through tie-ups with different organizations, where Aditya Birla Health Insurance can provide these health insurance benefits to their employees who are same-sex partners. In such cases, employees are not required to go through an extensive background check and can avail the benefits easily. 

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Why to Buy Health Insurance Policy Online from InsuranceDekho

  • Tax benefit upto 75,000*
  • Claim support everyday 10AM-7PM
  • 80 Lacs+ happy customers