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Additional Benefits offered under Super Top-Up Health Insurance Plans

Due to a severe health care condition, a family can lose out on their savings gradually in order to meet the expensive healthcare treatment and other associated medical costs. However, owing to rising medical inflation and subsequent increase in high medical costs, it is very much a possibility that your present health insurance plan may fail to cover all your healthcare needs and requirements. To tackle this situation, a policyholder can choose to upgrade their current health plan, however, it could result in paying a higher premium amount. However, insurance companies have come out with other economical options, i.e. purchasing a super top up health insurance policy.

Meaning of Super Top Up Health Insurance Policy

A super top up plan provides a healthcare cover, at the time when one single claim does not exceed the threshold limit of the insurance plan but more than one claim does so. This plan takes into consideration all the bills, irrespective of whether it is for one illness or more than one illness.
The best thing about super top up health insurance plans is that it offers coverage for multiple claims within a policy duration once the policyholder has exceeded the deductible limit.

Additional Benefits of Super Top Up Health Insurance Plans

Super top up health insurance plans offer various benefits to the policyholder like in-patient hospitalisation, pre and post hospitalisation expenses, daycare treatment, etc. Other than this, some of the other major benefits associated with this policy is as follows:

  • Maximum Health Coverage: Super top up plans can be availed on the basis of both individual policy as well as family floater basis. It simply means that a policyholder can get his whole family including parents covered under the single health insurance plan.
  • Affordability: A policyholder may need to pay a higher premium amount upon buying a health insurance plan with a higher sum insured. In such cases, super top up plans come forward as an economical option as they come with a higher deductible amount and at a lower premium expense.
  • Financial Protection: The additional sum insured provided by super top up plans acts as an extra financial safety net for your current insurance plan. Therefore, if there is a possibility of incurring a high healthcare expense, then purchasing a super top up plan is highly recommended.

Also Read: What are Top-up and Super Top-up Health Insurance Plans?

Special Features of Super Top Up Health Insurance

Final Words

A top up plan expires after settling a single claim, however a super top up plan still remains valid until the whole insurance plan gets exhausted. A super top up plan is an ideal choice for all the policyholders owing to the rising medical inflation and subsequent increase in healthcare costs, especially for individuals who have high chances of incurring high healthcare expenses.

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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