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5 Myths About Senior Citizen Health Insurance Plans

The importance of having a senior citizen insurance plan is not hidden from anyone. Still, there are many who do not take advantage of these plans. The indecisiveness or hesitation involved to invest in the policy are some reasons why one may not buy it. Another reason is the misconceptions involved with buying a senior citizen health insurance policy, which makes it complex for people to understand it.
To make the buying process easier for you, here are some myths and reality behind these plans, which will help you make an informed decision:

5 Myths About Senior Citizen Health Insurance Plans

Myth 1: My Parents do not Need Health Insurance as They are Healthy.

Reality: As people age, their bodies become more vulnerable to illnesses. Hence, you must be extremely considerate about the health of your parents if they are old and take preventive measures to keep them healthy. Even senior citizens whose parents are fit and fine right now may face change in their health conditions anytime soon. Hence, it is imperative for them to be covered under a reliable and comprehensive health insurance policy. Also, health insurance plans for senior citizens come with an initial waiting period, which must be completed to avail coverage benefits. So, it is important to get your parents covered under a senior citizen health insurance policy to mitigate the risk of waiting periods and keep your savings secured in case of a health emergency.

Must Read: Top 5 Senior Citizen Health Insurance Plans To Buy In 2021

Myth 2: I Already Have a Family Floater Health Insurance Policy, which is Enough for My Parents.

Reality: Family floater health insurance plans cover you and your family members including parents as well. The policy comes with a fixed sum insured amount, which gets deducted in case any family member gets hospitalised. Senior citizens may have requirements that are expensive in nature and hence, there can be times when a family floater health insurance plan is not sufficient for them. So, only a family floater health insurance plan is not enough, you should buy a separate senior citizen health insurance plan for your parents.

Myth 3: Senior Citizen Health Insurance Plans are Expensive.

Reality: The truth is that senior citizens health insurance plans are not extremely expensive. In fact, they help you save big time today so that you can offer the best medical care to your parents who are senior citizens. With these plans, you can easily manage finances with proper financial planning.

Myth 4: Senior Citizens with Medical Conditions cannot be Covered under a Senior Citizen Insurance Policy.

Reality: Many senior citizen health insurance plans cover individuals for pre-existing conditions. But before choosing a policy, you must do enough research about insurance companies that offer cover for pre-existing diseases.

Myth 5: It is Not Safe to Buy Senior Citizen Health Insurance Plans Online

Reality: It is completely safe as well as convenient to buy health insurance plans for senior citizens online. All you need to do is choose a reliable portal like InsuranceDekho and fill quotes. You will see several suitable health insurance plans as per your requirement, displayed on the screen. From them, you can choose the most suitable one as per your budget. The entire process is digital and you can pay the premium via flexible mode, through a secured payment gateway.


To conclude, you must stop believing in the myths and focus on which senior citizen health insurance policy you should buy for your parents so that they are covered at all times. When choosing the most suitable senior citizen health insurance plans, you must check certain factors such as inclusions and exclusions, renewability benefits, waiting periods, tax benefits, premium to be paid, mode of premium payment, claim settlement process, sum insured, etc. This will help you make an informed decision.

Also Read: Discovering Care Senior Citizen Health Insurance Plan for your Parents

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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