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5 COVID-19 Symptoms Diabetic Patients Should Not Ignore

The COVID-19 pandemic is a particularly threatening issue for those who have prevailing conditions or comorbidities. Among the many that are risky, diabetes is a particularly troublesome condition. It is quite a common disease and severely damages the body over time. It causes other illnesses as well such as heart ailments, blood pressure problems and more. If a diabetic person gets infected with the coronavirus, it can be particularly problematic and even fatal for them. This is why it is important they stay alert.

5 COVID-19 Symptoms Diabetic Patients Should Not Ignore

Diabetes severely compromises one’s immune system which makes it difficult for them to combat COVID-19. The following are five symptoms of COVID-19 that diabetic patients should not ignore. It is important to take immediate action so that they can prevent their condition from getting worse or turning fatal.

  1. High Blood Sugar Levels

    High blood sugar levels severely compromise one’s immune system. It can lead to a number of other problems like heart ailments and kidney problems. The coronavirus is quick to attack those who have a weak immune system and worsen their condition. It is very important to monitor your blood sugar levels and stay away from the infection at all costs.
  2. Low Oxygen Levels

    Lowering oxygen levels are one of the most dangerous COVID-19 symptoms. It can quickly deteriorate the condition of the patient and can turn fatal. With the high rate of infections, it has also been difficult to procure oxygen in a short time. Diabetic patients have a suppressed immune system which can lead to oxygen deprivation. Common symptoms include breathlessness and chest pains.
  3. COVID-19 Pneumonia

    COVDI-19 pneumonia, a threatening disease in itself, is even more dangerous for those who are suffering from diabetes. High blood sugar levels lead the coronavirus to thrive and spread faster in one’s body. It can attack the respiratory system more easily that will then be severely compromised by various forces.
  4. Bruises and Cuts

    Diabetic patients are more susceptible to bruising and cuts than others. They also tend to get rashes from time to time. In turn, they are also more likely to be infected by the coronavirus. This is because the bruising and cuts can make for an easier passage for the coronavirus to enter one’s body. A diabetic person should not only avoid getting their blood glucose levels high but also avoid getting physically hurt for this purpose.
  5. Black Fungus

    The black fungal infection has been rampant in the past few weeks. It is mainly affecting those who have had steroidal treatment as a part of their COVID-19 infection as well as diabetic patients. The high blood sugar levels in diabetic patients help the black fungus to thrive. Symptoms of this include dimness and eventual loss in vision, nasal bleeding, facial discolouration etc.

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Diabetic patients are at high risk during the COVID-19 pandemic. They should be alert to their condition at all times and take all the necessary precautions to remain uninfected by the coronavirus. Their condition can quickly deteriorate and can turn fatal. With the rising rates of infections in the second wave, hospital beds and oxygen have been difficult to find. This is why it is important to get vaccinated and stay safe.

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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