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22 Passengers On UK-India Flights Found Covid-19 Positive

India recently exercised restrictions on UK flights till December 31 after the identification of new coronavirus strain in the UK. Nonetheless, the past few days witnessed the arrival of many from the UK. According to reports, a total of 22 people who came to India from the United KIngdom have tested positive for the novel coronavirus. Samples of individuals tested positive have been sent for advanced test purposes to specialised labs, including the National Institute of Virology in Pune to uncover the chances of the infection being from the mutant coronavirus.

As per the authorities, 11 people who came from the UK or via the country have tested positive in Delhi. 8 in Amritsar, 2 in Kolkata and 1 in Chennai have found Covid-19 positive after their return from the UK. However, the government has maintained its statement of no confirmed instances of the new coronavirus train anywhere in India.

It is to be noted that over the past two days, prior to the ban on UK flights, all passengers from the country were subjected to RT-PCR tests for the Covid-19 and further asked to wait at the airport for test results to arrive. Every individual who has travelled from the UK in the last four weeks is being analysed. Additionally, strict self-monitoring for people who have arrived in the last two weeks is being recommended. 

Due to the Covid-19 test of passengers arriving from the UK, the issue of long waits and confusion has come up. The authorities are trying to impose rules so as to stop the spread of the new more transmissible coronavirus variant.

On Thursday morning, India recorded a total number of cases to 1.01 crore with 2.83 lakhs currently infected with the coronavirus.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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