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ManipalCigna Lifestyle Protection Critical Care Health Insurance

307 reviews Rate This
ManipalCigna Health Insurance
Lifestyle Protection Critical Care
Cashless Approval TATWithin 2 hours
Claim Settlement Ratio93.40%
Network Hospitals8,900+
Pre-existing Disease Coverage From2 years
Pre-existing Disease Waiting Period2 years
Special BenefitsUnlimited Restoration
Starting Premium (for 5L SI)Rs. 566/month

About ManipalCigna Lifestyle Protection Critical Care Health Insurance

CignaTTK’s Lifestyle Protection Critical Care is a critical illness benefit policy. Designed to take care of all emergency expenses, this policy covers you for the most unanticipated eventualities. It pays a lump sum amount on the diagnosis of covered critical illnesses anywhere in the world during the medical insurance policy period. The coverage is available under two plans: Basic Plan and Enhanced Plan. The Basic plan covers 15 critical illnesses and Enhanced 30 critical illnesses.

Moreover, the Lifestyle Protection-Critical Care policy facilitates a second opinion from its network of medical practitioners if the insured is diagnosed with the covered critical illness during the policy period. The policy also gives you an option to choose how you would like to get your payout. You may choose to purchase the policy on an individual or family basis.

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Key Inclusions and Exclusions of the Plan

What's Included

  • Coverage of 15 and 30 major illnesses under Basic and Enhanced plans respectively
  • It lets you choose exactly how you would like your payout to be - lump sum or staggered
  • With this plan, you have an option for medical second opinion and access to online wellness programs
  • The policy gives a choice of two claim payout options for 60 months with 10% additional benefit
  • Coverage for self, spouse, parents, children, parents-in-law, grandchildren (all dependent)
  • Cover for critical illnesses like cancer, kidney failure, stroke, etc.

What's Not Included

  • Any critical illness due to the use, abuse of any substance, drug or alcohol
  • Any sickness, Illness, or disease other than those specified as critical illnesses under this policy
  • Any health-related problem, which occurs due to pregnancy or abortion
  • Working in underground mines, tunneling or involving electrical installations with high tension supply
  • Any mental illness, psychiatric or psychological disorders
  • Expenses for the treatment of HIV or AIDS and related ailments

15051 ManipalCigna Cashless Network Hospitals in India

Lifestyle Protection Critical Care User Reviews

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What users are saying
  • All
  • Best Featured Plan

    I bought the ManipalCigna Health Insurance- Lifestyle Protection Critical Care from InsuranceDekho. My complete purchasing journey was very smooth. Also, through their informative website, I was able to easily compare the plans and choose the best for myself. Happy to got covered by the most effective and affordable health plan. Looking forward to buying many more protection plans. 

    By Iqbal Hamid
    On: Jul 06, 2023
  • Seamless renewal

    It was my first visit to InsuranceDekho to renew Manipal Cigna’s Lifestyle Protection Critical Care plan. Before renewal, I read all about the benefits I could avail by renewing the policy on time. The smooth payment portal added up to the seamless renewal experience as well.

    By Shreyan Kundu
    On: Feb 26, 2021
  • Availability of multiple healt...

    InsuranceDekho has gained popularity because of the availability of multiple health plans under a single platform. From an individual to a group, there is a specific policy for everyone. The comparison within policies is simplified. I have peace of mind that I issued Manipal Cigna’s Lifestyle Protection Critical Care plan.

    By Param Banerjee
    On: Feb 15, 2021
  • Variety of health plans

    InsuranceDekho offers a variety of health plans that are designed to help a wide range of customers. Besides general health plans, the website contains information about critical illnesses, maternity covered plans, woman-specific coverages and so on. I am happy with my Manipal Cigna’s Lifestyle Protection Critical Care plan.

    By Prithvi Sannyal
    On: Jan 29, 2021
  • Critical illness covered polic...

    InsuranceDekho has a list of standard health plans as well as plans that focus on specific needs. I found Manipal Cigna's Lifestyle Protection Critical Care perfectly serving my purpose as I was looking for a critical illness covered health plan for my father. It has remarkable health benefits.

    By Vinay Gupta
    On: Jan 25, 2021

ManipalCigna Lifestyle Protection Critical Care Expert Review

  • Expert Review

    Manipal Cigna, formerly known as Cigna TTK, owns a health insurance plan known as Manipal Cigna Lifestyle Protection - Critical Care. The plan is designed to protect against specified critical illnesses. The treatment of a critical disease is long-term, which could result in the rise of a financial crunch. Therefore, as per the policy, the insurer will be providing a lump sum amount to the insured individual, if the latter is diagnosed with any critical illness.

    The policy can be enjoyed under two different variants, i.e., basic and enhanced plan. The basic plan covers 15 critical illness, whereas enhanced policy includes 30 illnesses to be covered. Anyone between the age group of 18 years and 65 years can opt for the sum insured option up to Rs. 25 crores. The eligible amount is paid either in a lump sum or through staggered payout for 60 months with 10% extra benefit, but only after diagnosis.

  • Major Attractions

    The Lifestyle Protection - Critical Care Plan delivers a lot to people suffering from a critical illness by providing with enough financial and medical assistance to face their tough time and hefty treatment. The insured members may be asked to go through some medical tests, which is based on the age, medical history, the sum insured and so on. Also, the plan is stuffed with different coverage features In addition to these, the policy possesses various features that make it appreciated among the customers. Some highlighting components of the policy are:

    • Coverage is provided for up to 30 critical illnesses
    • Lump sum amount is offered to bear the cost of treatment
    • Claim settlement procedure of the plan is short and simple
    • A free look period of 15 days is provided to consider the health plan
    • Portability option is offered to port from an existing plan to this policy
    • Availability of online health and wellness program for all the customers
    • The option to enhance the sum insured amount is given during renewal
    • The option of the second opinion is provided from the network of medical practitioners 
  • What’s More?

    This health insurance policy for a critical illness doesn’t merely provide wide medical coverage, but also offer financial benefits too. Here are a few elements of the plan, which provide benefits:

    • Lifelong renewability option is available under the plan
    • A family discount of 10% is offered for covering more than 2 family members
    • A long term discount of 7.5% & 10% is provided on selecting a 2 and 3-year Policy
    • Earn tax benefit on the premium of the plan as per section 80D of IT Act
  • Conclusion

    The features and benefits of the policy are so quite beneficial. Hence, it can easily be concluded as an effective and suitable plan for anyone suffering from any critical illness.

    When it comes to search and buy a health insurance policy, the online platform is always better than offline. If you are looking for any health plan, opt for one of the most reliable and authentic insurance broker firm called Insurance Dekho. The company has a team of expert and experienced professionals in the insurance sector. They provide complete information related to different plans and help customers in choosing an appropriate plan for them.

ManipalCigna Lifestyle Protection Critical Care Brochure

  • 1.39 MB
  • PDF Document
  • Apr 15, 2019

Claim Process at ManipalCigna Health Insurance

  • Network Hospital
  • Non-Network Hospital
  • 1

    Claim Assistance

    For any assistance or query, call InsuranceDekho at the toll-free number 755 1196 989.
  • 2

    Claim Intimation

    Emergency hospitalisation needs intimation within 48 hours and for planned hospitalisation intimate within 3 days prior to admission.
  • 3

    Claim Processing

    Fill in the pre-authorisation form and hand it over to hospital's insurance/TPA desk to initiate claim request.
  • 4

    Claim Settlement

    Once your request is approved, claim is settled. If not approved, claim for reimbursement after discharge.
  • 1

    Claim Assistance

    For any assistance or query, call InsuranceDekho at the toll-free number 755 1196 989.
  • 2

    Claim Intimation

    Emergency hospitalisation needs intimation within 48 hours and for planned hospitalisation intimate within 3 days prior to admission.
  • 3

    Claim Processing

    Submit claim form with original documents such as doctor’s reports, hospital bills, diagnostic tests, etc.
  • 4

    Claim Settlement

    Once your request for reimbursement of expenses is approved, the claim will be settled.

FAQs on Lifestyle Protection Critical Care Health Insurance Plan

  • Can I buy Lifestyle Protection Critical Care online?

    Yes, you can buy Lifestyle Protection Critical Care online by visiting our website

  • How can I cancel the Lifestyle Protection Critical Care policy?

    You are able to cancel this policy at any time during the policy tenure. However, you need to give a 15-day notice in writing for cancellation. Premium will be refunded subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.

  • Are family discounts available under the Lifestyle Protection Critical Care?

    Yes, you can avail family discounts of 10% if you have added more than 2 family members under the same policy.

  • Is pre-policy medical check-up required to buy the Lifestyle Protection Critical Care plan?

    Yes, you need to undergo a pre-medical test based on your age. CignaTTK facilitates medical tests at its network of diagnostic centers. For this, you will be contacted to fix an appointment for the medical examination at your convenience. The insurance company bears all the cost of all the tests.

  • Can I port my existing health insurance policy from another insurer to the Lifestyle Protection Critical Care plan of CignaTTK?

    CignaTTK provides you with the portability feature. With this, you’re able to port your health insurance policy to the Lifestyle Protection Critical Care plan of CignaTTK.

  • What is the waiting period under this policy?

    It is for 90 days. Any critical illness diagnosed within 90 days of the date of the first policy is not covered.

  • Are tax benefits available under the Lifestyle Protection Critical Care plan?

    Yes, tax benefits under this particular plan are available under section 80D of the Income Tax Act 1961.

  • What are the sum insured options available under the Lifestyle Protection Critical Care plan?

    Sum insured ranges from Rs. 1 Lakh to Rs. 3 Crore. You can avail higher cover, but it is subject to underwriting on the case-to-case basis.

  • What are the cover types I can avail?

    You can get the coverage on an individual and family basis.

  • Does this policy of CignaTTK have any death benefit?

    No, there is no specific "Death Benefit" under the policy.

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