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What are the Side-Effects of COVID-19 Vaccine?

Coronavirus can result in serious healthcare complications and also result in death amongst certain individuals. There is no specific method to determine how COVID-19 can affect you. In case, a person contracts COVID-19, they can even spread the disease to their friends, family, and other people around them. Getting yourself vaccinated against COVID-19 will help in protecting you by developing an antibody response in the body of an individual. Vaccination for COVID-19 may prevent a person from contracting the disease, or in case a person gets COVID-19, the vaccine may assist the person from getting severely ill or getting serious complications.

What are the Side-Effects of COVID-19 Vaccine?

What are the Severe Side Effects of a COVID-19 Vaccine?

A person receiving a COVID-19 vaccine may develop some common side effects post the first or the second dose, which includes:

  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Redness and Pain
  • Swelling
  • Headache
  • Pain in Muscles
  • Chills
  • Pain in Joints

Moreover, after receiving the vaccine, you’ll be monitored for 15 minutes to check in case you have developed any immediate reaction. Most of the side effects develop within the first three days of receiving the vaccination, and it generally lasts for just 1-2 days. Similar to the symptoms of COVID-19, the vaccine may cause the same side effects In case a person gets exposed to Coronavirus and gets symptoms for more than 3 days post receiving the vaccination or the signs lasts for longer than 2 days, it is significant to self-isolate and get yourself tested.

Take Paracetamol

In case you feel uncomfortable, take a paracetamol. Also, ensure that you are taking paracetamol as mentioned on the leaflet or label. In case, you are not able to consume paracetamol, take help from your community pharmacist for medical advice.

Fever After Taking Vaccine

It is normal to develop a fever after receiving COVID-19 vaccine.It generally happens withing 48 hours of taking the vaccination and also goes after 48 hours. Self isolation and tests are not required, till the time you experience other signs and symptoms of COVID-19, or:

  • You are presently living with a person who has symptoms.
  • You are presently staying with someone, who has been tested COVID-19 positive.

In case, the fever develops 48 hours after taking the vaccination or stays for more than 48 hours, an individual should self isolate themselves and go for a COVID-19 test.

Are Safety Precautions necessary even After Taking a COVID-19 Vaccine?

An individual is recommended to follow the below-mentioned advice in order to avoid the COVID-19 virus:

  • Close Contact: Maintain distance with any person who has the infection or shows any symptom. Moreover, keep a safe distance between yourself and other people. This becomes even more significant in case you possess a higher risk for severe illness.
  • Good Hygiene: Clean your hands several times a day carefully with water and soap. You can also use a hand sanitizer to maintain good hygiene. While sneezing, cover your eyes, nose, and mouth with tissue paper. Do not share glasses, dishes, and any other personal belongings.
  • Home Quarantine: Do not move out of the house until it is absolutely necessary. Avoid going to school, work, or any other public place in case you feel sick. Moreover, do not use any public transport, ride-sharing, and taxis in case you feel sick.

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Do Check

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Things to do if Tested Positive for Coronavirus

In case a person has a chronic medical condition and may be at a higher risk of getting a severe illness, immediately visit your doctor regarding other ways to safeguard yourself.

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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