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What All Day Care Procedures are Covered Under Health Insurance

What Day Care Procedures Are Covered Under Health Insurance?

The inclusion of day care facilities with insurance policies has been on the rise in the past few years. With health insurance becoming a common picture in India, the providers of such policies are working on providing extended benefits with the inclusion of such facilities over their services.

Before we move further, let’s have a look at what Daycare is? Daycare procedures are the surgeries or medical procedures that can now be treated under 24 hours. Previously, these treatments required a prolonged stay in hospital. The advancement in the medical field or the improvement of the procedures has now reduced the recovery time or the monitoring time needed. 

The increased competition in the field of insurance has led its providers to come up with ways to cover patients on their hospitalization for such shorter periods. 

How To Choose The Right ‘Day Care’ Insurance Cover? 

Some insurance policies provide their customers with a broader cover over a wide category of illnesses, while other plans aim towards segregating these categories into a list of specific diseases. When it comes to choosing one, it is always advisable to be looking for health insurance that covers the broader categories. The second option is not preferred because one can never rely on a specific set of treatment when it comes to diseases.

Moreover, ‘Day care’ cover saves an insurer from the stress of bearing heavy expenses in the case of critical medical procedures. 

While every company has its own curated list of daycare services that they cover, let’s have a look at the list of such procedures covered by an ideal insurance:

Type Of Day Care Treatment Procedures Covered 
Angiography Treatment of catheterized blood vessels.
Other operations around the vessels.
Monitoring blocked arteries.
Percutaneous Coronary Intervention.
Appendectomy Abdominal exams. 
Detection of soreness and swelling.
Monitoring infection.
CT scans and ultrasound.
Orthopedics Trauma surgery.
Incision on the bone, septic and aseptic.
Dislocation surgery.
Other joints and bone surgery.
Eye surgery Removal of foreign body.
Eyelid incision.
Corrective surgery for entropion, ectropion.
Corneal incision.
Sinusitis Nasal sinus aspiration.
Foreign body removal.
Other operations on the nose.
Operation on nasal concha.
Dialysis Regular Dialysis.
Effective monitoring.
Critical treatment.
Inspection and check-up.
Radiotherapy Hospital stay and treatment.
Cancer screening 
Prevention services
Anti-nausea medications
Piles/ Fistula Coverage over operations.
Effective monitoring.
Surgical/ Non-surgical treatments.
Stay at the hospital 
Ophthalmology Cataract
Incision of tear glands
Eyelid incision.
Corrective surgery for entropion, ectropion.
Skin and subcutaneous tissue Chemosurgery to skin.
Revision of skin plasty.
Destruction of diseased tissue of the skin.
Skin transplantation. 
Glossectomy Re-construction of the tongue.
Monitoring of underlying disease.
Other operations around the tongue.
Lithotripsy Coronary angiography.
Other operations Stapedectomy
Operations on the auditory ossicles
Operations on the middle ear
Reconstruction of the middle ear
Incision of the inner ear

Listed above are some of the most common day care procedures that are covered by a majority of insurance providers in the country. 
It is very important to note that not every insurance in the country covers these grounds of daycare procedures. This list may vary from policy to policy and provider to provider.  


Day Care procedures go beyond an operation or a surgery and prove to be extremely helpful in covering hospitalization and other expenses. In absence of a daycare cover, you are bound to rack up a bill from time to time and take a hit on your savings. However, since every company covers different day care services, It is always advisable to understand and be thorough with the terms and conditions before applying for insurance to avoid unnecessary expenses in future. 

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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