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Things You Didn’t Know About Health Insurance Covers

As health insurance penetration is increasing in India, insurance companies offering health insurance plans are focusing more on creating plans that offer the utmost protection to the insured at all times. Also, with the increased demand for health insurance plans, many insurance companies are offering unique coverage benefits to the insured. Although health insurance is mandated by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI), it is up to the policy buyers the features they wish to add to their health insurance plans. For this, they must be aware of unique coverage features that many insurance companies are now offering their customers:

Things You Didn’t Know About Health Insurance Covers

Thinks That Also Cover Under Health Insurance Policy

1. AYUSH Treatment

Many health insurance plans including the standardised Arogya Sanjeevani Policy cover the insured for expenses arising due to treatments taken under AYUSH systems of medicines. These include Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy. These are non-allopathic treatments that are preferred by many people these days.

2. International Coverage

Some health insurance plans come with a restriction of coverage offered only in India, which limits many people from availing of medical treatment abroad. Addressing the issue, many insurance companies are now offering international coverage benefits to the insured via medical insurance plans. In this cover, the insured will be offered compensation for the treatment availed even outside India. But this benefit often comes with terms and conditions, which must be read carefully from the policy document. Also, the countries or network hospitals where the treatment can be availed are limited.

3. Complimentary Health Check-Ups

Health insurance companies are now offering regular health check-ups to people who are covered under a particular health insurance plan. It depends on the policy term as well as the facility that can be availed by the insured and his/her family members at no extra premium. It is a great benefit that not only helps you in case of trouble but also lets you keep track of your health.

4. Newborn Baby Cover

Until some time, not many health insurances were used to cover the newborn baby's expenses. But now, with growing competition amongst insurance companies, many of them are offering this benefit to the insured. This feature covers all the needs of the newborn baby starting from hospitalisation expenses, i.e. from day 1. So, instead of buying a separate newborn health insurance policy with this benefit, you can simply go with the one that offers you comprehensive coverage for a newborn baby.

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The importance of health insurance is known by all. Apart from the coverage benefits mentioned above, health insurance plans offer protection for several other medical expenses as well. Not only coverage benefits but with a reliable health insurance policy, you can avail several other benefits as well such as tax benefits under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act, 1961, protection for the family, financial assistance even in case of inflation, protection in case of critical illness, and so on. So, to conclude, it is recommended to timely buy a health insurance policy for yourself and your family, if you have not already, as per your budget and other requirements.

Also Read: Best Health Insurance Plans In India

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and is meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.


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Disclaimer : Actual Coverage might vary basis your location, age and number of members

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