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Protect Your Health with Aditya Birla's Activ Health Enhanced Plan

Mahatma Gandhi was right when he said, “It is health that is the real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.”

While many people put their health on the back seat and keep ignoring their adverse health until there is an emergency, there are others who understand the importance of good health, work towards keeping their health intact, and prepare for emergencies by investing in the perfect health insurance.

Do you understand the significance of good health?

Have you started working towards your aim of maintaining better health and well-being?

If that’s the case, take along Aditya Birla Health Insurance Co. Ltd., on this journey!

An illustrious name in the health insurance industry, Aditya Birla Health Insurance Co. Ltd., has been engaged in helping Indians choose healthier lifestyles since 2015. In its attempt to motivate customers to opt for a healthy way of life, Aditya Birla Health Insurance Co. Ltd. offers a series of health insurance plans that are efficient not only in safeguarding health but also in granting peace of mind.

Aditya Birla Activ Health Enhanced Health Insurance Plans

Under Aditya Birla's health insurance, one can find the Activ Health Enhanced Plan, which is a premium variant of the Active Health plan. More than just health insurance, Activ Health Enhanced Plan is an Aditya Birla health insurance plan that helps people take their initial step towards a healthier lifestyle. To find out what makes the Aditya Birla Activ Health Enhanced Plan the ideal investment, let’s shed light on its benefits, features, and other details.

Benefits of Activ Health Enhanced Plan

  • Up to 30% reduction in renewal premium through HealthReturns. The earned HealthReturns can be used for paying renewal premiums, or for diagnostic tests, medicines, etc.
  • Freedom to choose a hospital room at the start of the policy tenure.
  • 100% reload of the base sum insured is available (after the first claim), in case of unrelated illnesses and accidents in the same year. Reload of the sum insured possible, even if the sum insured is not completely exhausted in the previous claims.
  • Day 1 covers for cost of medicines, doctor consultation, and diagnostic tests, in case of chronic illnesses such as hypertension, asthma, high cholesterol, and diabetes.
  • Cumulative bonus of 10% sum insured for every no-claim year. Maximum accumulation of 100% of the sum insured.
  • Tax benefits under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act, 1961
  • 527 daycare procedures covered.
  • Worldwide emergency assistance services.

FEATURES of Aditya Birla's Activ Health Plans

  • Policy Term -: 1, 2, or 3 years
  • Sum Insured -: Rs. 2 Lacs to Rs. 2 Crore
  • In-patient Hospitalisation -: Choice of shared, single, or any room
    Coverage for doctor’s fees, room rent, medicines, drugs, operation theater expenses, and other consumables under the policy are covered, as per the eligibility, in cases of an unforeseen emergency or a planned treatment. The insured individual is allowed to choose a hospital room category.
  • Pre-hospitalisation Medical Expenses -: 60 days
    Expenses incurred for consultations or diagnostic tests before hospitalization are covered up to 60 days before hospitalisation where the hospitalisation is accepted by the company.
  • Post-hospitalisation Medical Expenses -: 180 days
    Expenses incurred for diagnostic tests, medicines, or physiotherapy are covered up to 180 days after discharge from the hospital where the hospitalisation is accepted by the company.
  • Domiciliary Hospitalisation -: Available
    For cases of treatment at home where the individual is not in a condition to go to the hospital or encounters unavailability of a bed, medical expenses are covered.
  • Ambulance Hospitalisation -: Actuals in the network, Maximum of Rs. 5000 per hospitalisation in a non-network hospital
    In emergencies, costs incurred on transportation to a hospital as per actuals are covered, if services are availed from a network provider.
  • Daycare Treatment -: Available
    Medical procedures that don’t require a 24-hour hospitalisation are also provided coverage under Activ Health Enhanced Plan by Aditya Birla Health Insurance Co. Ltd.
  • Reload of Sum Insured -: Available
    If the sum insured with cumulative bonus is not sufficient, owing to previous claims in that policy year, an additional sum insured is provided for health needs resulting from an illness unrelated to prior claims in that policy year. In case, an accident leads to an unfortunate hospitalisation, reload of the sum insured can be triggered in the first claim.
  • Organ Donor Expenses -: Available
    In organ transplant cases, coverage is not only provided to the insured individual but also to the organ donor for harvesting the organ.
  • Cumulative Bonus -: Up to a maximum of Rs.50Lakh
    The sum insured amount gets enhanced by 20% each year a claim is not filed.
  • Health Check-up Program -: Available, Once in a policy year
    Under this plan, a free health check-up per adult is allowed, once in a policy year customised to the life stage one is in.
  • Benefit for Choice of Hospital Room -: Available, Once in a policy year
    The insured is allowed to choose the room category that they want. They are free to select the room category at the start date of the policy and pay a premium for the one to choose. In case, they get treated in a lower room category than the one opted for, the company provides a pre-set percentage of payable claims back in the form of HealthReturns.
  • Second E-Opinion on Critical Illness -: Available
    A second opinion is always helpful in cases of detecting major illnesses such as heart attack, cancer, kidney failure, and others. Therefore, Activ Health Enhanced Plan by Aditya Birla Health Insurance Co. Ltd. provides a second e-opinion through a consortium of well-qualified international specialists.
  • Chronic Management Program -: Available
    Illnesses such as hypertension, diabetes, asthma, and high cholesterol can be controlled if appropriate medication and control is exercised. Chronic Management Program under Activ Health Enhanced Plan by Aditya Birla Health Insurance Co. Ltd. works towards helping customers control such conditions and being healthy. This program includes consultation with medical practitioners, pharmacy benefits, and diagnostic tests.
  • Worldwide Emergency Assistance Services -: Available
    Availing help in areas with inadequate medical facilities is no longer impossible. Activ Health Enhanced Plan by Aditya Birla, helps one reach a proper medical facility and then take the insured back to their home.
  • Wellness Coach -: Available
    Activ Health Enhanced Plan provides the insured with a qualified wellness coach to provide guidance and pointers for ensuring good health.
  • Health Returns -: Available
    The insured can enjoy incentives for staying fit and healthy. These HealthReturns can be utilised in any way, be it for getting medicines or paying a premium for the first policy renewal.
  • Deductible -: Available
    Deductible options apply to the sum of all admissible claims in that policy year. The payment for these claims can be made through existing health insurance coverage or from one’s pocket. The options for deductions include Rs. 25000, 50000, 1 Lakh, 2 Lakhs, 3 Lakhs, 4 Lakhs, 5 Lakhs. The deduction option comes with a major discount in premium.
  • Hospital Cash Benefit -: Available
    One gets an added benefit of a per-day allowance for each day that they get hospitalised. Note that a deductible of 24 hours applies under this feature. This benefit shall be payable for 30 days in a policy year and 10 days for each claim (maximum limit).
  • Recovery Benefit -: 1% of the sum insured, maximum of Rs. 10,000 (10 days of hospitalisation)
    A longer stay in the hospital can add up to the total costs, therefore Activ Health Enhanced Plan provides one with a lump sum amount towards expenses such as attendant charges, travel to and from the hospital, and others.

Eligibility Criteria for Activ Health Enhanced Plan

Want to know whether or not you are eligible for Activ Health Enhanced Plan, one of the best Aditya Birla health insurance plans?

Here are the criteria for eligibility. Take a look: - 

Minimum age of entry

91 days

Maximum age of entry

No limit

Renewal age

Lifelong renewal

Family definition

Individual Plan: self, spouse, parents, parents-in-law, kids, siblings, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, niece, nephew, granddaughter, grandson, grandfather, grandmother, son-in-law, daughter-in-law
Family floater: self, spouse, parents, parents-in-law (maximum up to 9 people)

Premium calculated based on

Age, zone (i.e. sum insured opted for)

So, what are you waiting for?

Also Read:

Air Ambulance Benefits in Aditya Birla Activ Assure Diamond Plan

Activ Assure Diamond Plan by Aditya Birla - To Fulfill Your Health Insurance Needs

Now that you know about this extraordinary plan, opt for it without thinking twice and safeguard your health while reaping multiple benefits.

Health Insurance Coverage Calculator

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  • Individual
  • Couple
  • Family
  • Parents

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Disclaimer : Actual Coverage might vary basis your location, age and number of members

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