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Post-COVID care: 7 Things You Must Do After Recovering From Coronavirus

Individuals who have fallen ill with Coronavirus disease usually take around 14 days( in case of mild infection) and around 35 days (in case of serious infection) to recover from it. However, it is noted that the recovery rate in India for individuals is comparatively better than the rest. This is the reason why most individuals who have contracted this virus recover fast and steadily get back to their routine cycle.

Post-COVID care: 7 Things You Must Do After Recovering From Coronavirus

7 Things You Must Do After Recovering From COVID-19

In case you or someone around you, who had contracted the virus and recovered should still not take things casually. Although the virus is now no longer present inside your body, you are required to be careful about a few things. Read the following points related to things to do post recovering from COVID-19:

  • Take Proper Rest

It is recommended by most of the experts that the person who had recovered from COVID-19 recently, should isolate themselves for the coming 7 days. This is because as per some studies, the virus still lingers in the body of an affected individual. Therefore, if possible then give yourself proper rest from a week post-recovery.

  • Focus on Exercising

Although, exercising daily may sound a bit repugnant yet it is quite essential for recovering fast. Exercising daily helps in improving the circulation of oxygen and blood in the body and also assists in detoxifying the body. Moreover, it helps your brain in releasing happy hormones which is essential to lift your spirits during these tough times.

  • Consume a Nutritious Diet

A balanced and nutritious food would ease your road to recovery post coronavirus infection. The correct food will help you in getting back your energy and strength within a few days. Ensure that your meal should consist of protein-rich food like lentils, nuts, seeds, legumes, boiled eggs, and chicken stew. Protein helps in repairing the body and it is recommended to consume small portions at a time for easy digestion.

  • Keep a Check on Blood Oxygen Level

With the help of an oximeter keep a continuous check on your blood oxygen saturation level. Although, you might have recovered from the Coronavirus infection yet who knows you could be suffering from lung damage that you aren’t aware of. In case, it is the scenario the level of oxygen in your body will fluctuate and dip to less than 90. Then, in that case, you are required to seek the help of your doctor.

  • Try Playing Puzzles and Memory Games

Coronavirus infection is said to cause damage to neural cells and brain cells. In case you want to avoid further complications related to your memory and concentration level then try engaging yourself in some memory games such as crossword, sudoku, jigsaw, mathdoku, etc. Moreover, this will also help you in passing your time in a more efficient manner and save you from boredom and getting irritated.

  • Pay Proper Attention to Warning Signs

Be it encountering a persistent headache or sessions of breathlessness, it is extremely significant to pay proper attention to any of these alerts or warning symptoms that your body is not doing fine. Make sure that you pass on all this information to your doctor in case any such complications arise even after recovery from COVID-19.

  • Revise the Medications

In case you are suffering from any chronic disease and you are required to regularly consume your medicines for the same, then it is highly recommended that you should keep a proper check on your symptoms closely such as checking sugar levels, blood pressure etc. Afterward, see your doctor in case any revision is required with respect to dosage.

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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