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How to Remove Earwax Safely at Home

Ear canals produce a waxy substance that goes by the name earwax. The medical term is cerumen. They consist of skin cells and secretions from the sebaceous glands. The substances so secreted may be reddish, yellowish, brownish, or grayish. In general, the presence of wax is considered to be healthy. However, too much accumulation may seem to be uncomfortable and may even be visually unappealing. It may, in certain instances, affect the hearing ability.

What is Earwax And What is its Importance?

Earwax is a natural substance that acts as a defense mechanism. This substance helps protect the ear canal through the slowing down of the bacterial growth and by trapping of dirt. It plays a pivotal role in the lubrication of the ear canal. The wax appears in the form of a protective coating on the outer ear and so getting rid of it is not essential. In case of excessive accumulation, however, it may become necessary to remove the buildup. 

Biological Significance Of Earwax

In medical terminology, earwax blockage is also known as cerumen impaction. When your body produces an excess of wax, or the wax is thrust deeper, then blockages are common. Some people may make attempts to clean their ears with cotton swabs or other pointed items. All these activities may push the wax further and may even cause damage to the lining. Due to the affected ear, the ability to hear may be impacted temporarily. Once the wax is removed, one will be able to regain the ability. In most cases, home treatments work effectively. 

Home Treatment And Self-care tips for Earwax

It is not wise to take resort to hairpins, clips, or swabs to dig out the buildup within the ear. The following self-care tips may prove to be handy.

1. Using Baking Soda

You may use a combination of half teaspoon baking soda dissolved in two ounces of water. Place the solution in a dropper bottle. Apply five to ten drops of the above mixture on each ear. Keep the solution for less than an hour and then flush. Use regular water for flushing. It would help if you continued with this procedure daily till the hardened buildup gets cleared. Within a few days, you should see positive results. Do not continue this procedure beyond two weeks.

2. Utilization of Hydrogen Peroxide

You can use five to ten drops of hydrogen peroxide for the removal of wax. For this purpose, three percent hydrogen peroxide is suitable. During the application of the solution, maintain your head in the tilted position. Allow five minutes for the solution to settle in and continue with this method once a day for fourteen days.

3. Add Drops of Oil to the Ear

With the help of an ear dropper, apply a few baby oil, olive oil, or coconut oil drops. You may warm up the oil before application. Test the temperature beforehand. After application, keep the head tilted for a couple of minutes. 


It is safe to conduct wax removal procedures at home. You may conduct intensive research on the internet for guidelines. However, if these remedies fail to work, you should get in touch with a health care expert.
Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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