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How To Protect Yourself From Cancer?

Cancer is one of the lethal diseases that claims millions of lives every year. Although modern medical science has come up with advanced forms of treatment, yet many forms of cancer are still life-threatening, especially when the cancerous tumour proceeds through stages of severity and spreads to multiple organs in the body. 

Well having adequate health cover for critical illnesses is definitely the wisest thing to do, but let us see if there are ways to protect ourselves from this deadly disease. These steps are necessary to protect yourself:

Simple and Effective Tips to Prevent Cancer

Cancer is an ongoing major health issue these days in the medical field. The number of patients are expected to grow but various cancer researches also claim that these numbers can be put in check by just imbibing the following tips: 

1. Lifestyle Changes

Researchers have found growing evidence linking incidence of critical illnesses to modern lifestyle. Stress and sedentary living are indirectly attributable to many diseases including cancer. It is advisable to have a healthy lifestyle that consists of a healthy balanced diet, regular exercise and adequate rest.

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2. Avoid Smoking

Smoking has been long established as a major cause of cancer, especially of the lungs, mouth and throat, in adults. Studies have also found evidence of second-hand smoke to be dangerous. This is seen in younger children with lung conditions when cohabiting with parents with smoking habits. Thus, it is absolutely essential to quit smoking if we want to reduce risks of falling prey to Cancer.

3. Avoid Tobacco

Tobacco in any form, not only smoking, is considered harmful. Medical records in India suggest a large number of young adults suffering from mouth can throat Cancer due to chewable tobacco. The sooner we avoid it, the better are our chances of keeping the disease at bay.

4. Avoid Alcohol

Excessive drinking is often the cause of fatty liver which could progress to liver cancer. Limiting alcohol intake keeps the liver healthy.

5. Include Fibre and Leafy Greens in Diet

Studies have shown that certain foods when part of our regular diet help prevent cancer. Fibrous breakfast like oatmeal is a good way to improve colon health, thus reducing chances of colorectal cancer. Tomatoes are considered good for the prostate, especially important for men. Cabbages, Cauliflowers, and Broccoli are naturally beneficial to the body. Foods rich in antioxidants also help fortify the body against attack by preventing oxidation due to free radicals.

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6. Reduce Exposure to Carcinogens

Many foods contain additives which can potentially lead to cancer, in the long run. Other than that, there are carcinogens around us in our daily life that we need to be aware of. These are typically found in the chemicals that we use for cleaning and sanitation, as well as in other forms in equipment and electronics that we use on a daily basis. Reducing the exposure to such carcinogens helps us stay healthy longer.

7. Get Plenty of Sunlight

Although plenty of sunshine is often recommended as a cure-all for many things, yet dangerous levels of radiation can be damaging for the skin and lead to skin cancer. Sunscreen and other preventative care is necessary before we go out to enjoy the sun outdoors.

8. Maintain Healthy Body Weight 

Obesity leading to cancer or to various other less malignant diseases that progress to become cancerous later is being constantly researched by top medical institutions. Although studies are still not conclusive, the correlation cannot be ruled out. Proper weight control also promotes better overall health and improves the body’s chances of fighting against dangerous diseases.

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Thus, we see that although there is no vaccine that can prevent us from getting cancer, there are certainly ways to reduce incidence. Lastly, routine check-up is strongly recommended to detect cancer in its early stages and prevent it from progressing. This is especially true for women who are more vulnerable to specific types of cancer.


Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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