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Health Insurance with New Born Baby Cover? Explore Your Options Now!

Maternity insurance on your mind? Do you want a plan that saves you from the rising hospitalisation costs and other expenses at the time of pregnancy?

Whether a newly married couple or one ready for parenthood, opt for health insurance with maternity cover with new born baby cover benefit so that when the time arrives, you don’t have to worry about managing finances during pregnancy. Looking for maternity insurance with new born baby cover feature will also serve your purpose of safeguarding from lack of finances at a time when you need financial stability the most. 

Benefits of Health Insurance Plans with New Born Baby Cover 

1. Minimised overall medical expenditure
2. Low premium for health insurance with cover for a new born
3. Protection and safety of baby at the time of an emergency
4. Freedom from worrying about rising health care costs at baby’s arrival

Best Health Insurance Plans with New Born Baby Cover 

1. Religare JOY 

Joy by Religare Health Insurance is an ultimate relief for couples who want to enjoy the arrival of their new born baby without worrying about finances. The perfect combination of hospitalisation and maternity insurance, Religare’s Joy Plan is an ideal investment that provides coverage for maternity-related expenses incurred due to hospitalisation for the delivery of the child, apart from pre and post-natal expenses. Religare Joy is available in the form of Joy Today and Joy Tomorrow. 

Key Highlights:

1) Coverage of expenses related to maternity and medical care or treatment for the newborn
2) Waiting period - 9 months (Joy Today) and 24 months (Joy Tomorrow)
3) Sum insured options - Rs.3Lakh and Rs.5Lakh (both)
4) Pre-hospitalisation medical expenses - Up to 30 days (both)
5) Newborn Baby Cover - Up to Rs. 30,000 for Rs.3Lakh SI (Joy Today) and up to Rs. 50,000 for Rs.5Lakh SI (Joy Tomorrow)
6) New born birth defects - None (Joy Today) and lump sum Rs.50000 (Joy Tomorrow)
7) Co-payment of 20% in enrolled at the age of 61 years or more (both plans)​

2. HDFC Health Suraksha - Gold 

Health Suraksha Gold plan by HDFC ERGO's is an affordable health insurance option that provides maternity coverage along with the new born baby cover. This economical plan provides a cover for pre-hospitalisation, post-hospitalisation expenses, and inpatient treatment costs. With no limit for age at entry and life long renewability, Health Suraksha Gold plan does not come with sub-limits on any disease, doctor fees, room rent, and hospital charges. 

Key Highlights:

1) Expenses - Rs.15000 (Normal delivery), Rs.25,000 (C-Section), and Rs.15000 (Termination)
2) The maternity coverage includes pre/post natal limit of up to Rs.1500 and new born baby limit of up to Rs.2000
3) New born baby coverage includes in-patient medical expenses of the new born within 90 days of birth
4) Waiting period - 4 years
5) Sum Insured - Individual and Family Floater : Rs.3Lakh, Rs.4Lakh, Rs.5Lakh, Rs.7.5Lakh & Rs.10Lakh)
6) Convalescence benefit if the period of hospitalisation exceeds 10 consecutive and continuous days
7) 10% discount for 2 year tenure of the policy. Furthermore, the plan offers a family discount of 10% in case, 2 or more family members are covered individual sum insured basis

3. Max Bupa’s Heartbeat 

Max Bupa’s Heartbeat Family Floater Plan is a great choice to go with. It offers coverage for maternity and new born baby in all three plan types, namely Silver, Gold, and Platinum. Heartbeat family floater plan provides maternity coverage, in addition to new born baby care including first year vaccinations. Silver, Gold, and Platinum sub-plans offer maternity benefits up to 2 deliveries, provided that the policyholder and spouse have been covered under the Heartbeat policy for 2 continuous years. 

Key Highlights: 

1) Maternity benefits are available to an adult female after continuous two years coverage under the policy
2) The new born baby is covered from birth without additional premium, until the next policy year, in case the maternity claim is permissible under the policy
3) 30 days of Hospital Cash Benefit
4) On policy renewal without any break, policyholders can avail health check-up once every 2 years
5) All day care treatments covered
6) 60 days of pre-hospitalisation coverage and 90 days post hospitalisation expenses covered
7) If the policy is renewed without any break, policyholders get Loyalty Additions in the form of Sum Insured enhancement (10% of individual base sum insured per annum up to 50% of individual base sum insured)

4. Royal Sundaram Lifeline Elite

The Elite variant of the Lifeline Plan by Royal Sundaram covers maternity expenses for the delivery of a child, where the insured individual and the spouse, both are covered, after 3 years of waiting period, subject to the sub-limits. For Sum Insured Rs.25Lakh, Rs.30Lakh, Rs.50Lakh, Rs.100Lakh, and Rs.150Lakh, the Sub Limit turns out to be Rs.2Lakh, Rs.2Lakh, Rs.2Lakh, Rs. 2.50Lakh, and Rs. 2.50Lakh respectively. 

Key Highlights:

1) Waiting period - 36 months.
2) The new born baby is covered for the policy year of birth, if the maternity benefit claim is accepted. The benefit is subject to 25% of sum insured.
3) Vaccination expenses of the new born baby are covered for the first year, subject to renewal of the policy. The sub-limit for the benefit is Rs.10,000.
4) For sum insured Rs.25Lakh, Rs.30Lakh, Rs.50Lakh, Rs.100Lakh, and Rs.150Lakh: 

Maternity cover for up to 2 deliveries - Rs.200000, Rs.200000, Rs.200000, Rs.250000, Rs.250000
New Born Baby Cover - Rs.625,000, Rs750,000, Rs.1,250,000, Rs.2,500,000, Rs.3,750,000
5) OPD Treatment Cover of up to Rs.10,000
6) Re-load of sum insured during treatment of different illnesses, provided sum insured and NCB are completely exhausted.
7) No-claim bonus starting from 20% of the sum insured and up to 100% of the total sum insured. No deduction of NCB, even when a claim is filed during a particular year.

5. Apollo Munich's Easy Health Exclusive & Premium

Easy Health policy by Apollo Munich is the perfect means to deal with emergency expenses, including maternity costs. This policy can be availed on individual and family floater basis (Easy Health Individual and Easy Health Family). This comprehensive covers maternity expenses, recovery benefit other than providing health checkup benefit at every forth renewal, regardless of claims. Under Exclusive and Premium Plans, the policy covers maternity expenses incurred before and after the birth of the child. Policyholder can avail New Born Baby Cover till 90 days by paying additional premium. 

Key Highlights: 

1) Easy Health Individual

i. Exclusive

< Sum Insured Rs.3Lakh, Rs.4Lakh, Rs.5Lakh  
a. Normal delivery Rs. 15,000, Caesarean delivery Rs. 25,000 (Including Pre/Post Natal limit of Rs.1,500 and New Born limit of Rs.2,000).
b. The waiting period is 6 years.

< Sum Insured Rs.7.5Lakh, Rs.10Lakh  
a. Normal delivery Rs. 25,000, Caesarean delivery Rs. 40,000 (Including Pre/Post Natal limit of Rs. 2,500 and New Born limit of Rs.3,500).
b. The waiting period is 6 years.

< Sum Insured Rs.15Lakh, Rs.20Lakh, Rs.25Lakh, Rs.50Lakh
a. Normal delivery Rs. 30,000 Caesarean delivery Rs. 50,000 (Including Pre/Post Natal limit of Rs. 5,000 and New Born limit of Rs.5,000).
b. The waiting period of 4 years.

ii. Premium

< Sum Insured Rs.3Lakh, Rs.4Lakh, Rs.5Lakh
a. Normal Delivery Rs. 15,000, Caesarean Delivery Rs. 25,000 (Including Pre/Post Natal limit of Rs.1,500 and New Born limit of Rs.2,000).
b. The waiting period is of 6 years.

< Sum Insured Rs.7.5Lakh, Rs.10Lakh
a. Normal Delivery Rs. 25,000, Caesarean Delivery Rs. 40,000 (Including Pre/Post Natal limit of Rs. 2,500 and New Born limit of Rs.3,500). 
b. The waiting period is of 6 years.

< Sum Insured Rs.15Lakh, Rs.20Lakh, Rs.25Lakh, Rs.50Lakh
a. Normal Delivery Rs. 30,000, Caesarean Delivery Rs. 50,000 (Including Pre/Post Natal limit of Rs. 5,000 and New Born limit of Rs.5,000) 
b. The waiting period is of 4 years.

2) Easy Health Family

i. Exclusive

< Sum Insured Rs.3Lakh, Rs.4Lakh, Rs.5Lakh
a. Normal Delivery Rs. 15,000 Caesarean Delivery Rs. 25,000 (Including Pre/ Post Natal limit of Rs.1,500 and New Born limit of Rs.2,000).
b. The waiting period is of 4 years. 

< Sum Insured Rs.7.5Lakh, Rs.10Lakh
a. Normal Delivery Rs. 25,000, Caesarean Delivery Rs. 40,000 (Including Pre/Post Natal limit of Rs. 2,500 and New Born limit of Rs.3,500).
b. The waiting period is of 4 years.

< Sum Insured Rs.15Lakh, Rs.20Lakh, Rs.25Lakh, Rs.50Lakh
a. Normal Delivery Rs. 30,000, Caesarean Delivery Rs. 50,000 (Including Pre/Post Natal limit of Rs. 5,000 and New Born limit of Rs.5,000).
b. The waiting period is of 3 years.

ii. Premium 

< Sum Insured Rs.4Lakh, Rs.5Lakh
a. Normal Delivery Rs. 15,000, Caesarean Delivery Rs. 25,000 (Including Pre/Post Natal limit of Rs.1,500 and New Born limit of Rs.2,000).
b. The waiting period is of 4 years.

< Sum Insured Rs.7.5Lakh, Rs.10Lakh
a. Normal Delivery Rs. 25,000, Caesarean Delivery Rs. 40,000 (Including Pre/Post Natal limit of Rs. 2,500 and New Born limit of Rs.3,500).
b. The waiting period is of 4 years.

< Sum Insured Rs.15Lakh, Rs.20Lakh, Rs.25Lakh, Rs.50Lakh
a. Normal Delivery Rs. 30,000 Caesarean Delivery Rs. 50,000 (Including Pre/Post Natal limit of Rs. 5,000 and New Born limit of Rs.5,000).
b. The waiting period is of 3 years.

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The options for maternity health insurance with new born cover are many. The choice of one of the best health insurance plans with new born baby coverage is up to you to make as per your insurance requirements. Since maternity insurance acts as a financial backup, offering optimum quality health care to the mother and child, it should be carefully selected so that one doesn’t find themselves in financial instability.

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Disclaimer : Actual Coverage might vary basis your location, age and number of members

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