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Check Details About HDFC ERGO Health Suraksha Health Insurance

Founded in the year 2002, HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company Limited has always been a big support to those looking to ensure the protection of themselves as well as their families with health insurance. A renowned name in the insurance industry, HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company Limited leaves no stone unturned in offering the much-desired health protection to its customers. The Health Suraksha Policy, the popular health insurance plan by HDFC ERGO is proof of the company’s dedication towards providing the best possible medical insurance to those in need.

HDFC ERGO Health Suraksha Health Insurance Policy

A unique health insurance, Health Suraksha aims to provide supreme health coverage at a pocket-friendly rate. Precisely designed to provide unmatched health protection, the Health Suraksha Policy has a policy period of 1 year and 2 years with a sum insured per year ranging from Rs.3Lakh to Rs.10Lakh.

Let’s uncover eligibility, product highlights, coverage, and more, that make Health Suraksha Policy by HDFC ERGO a worthy choice.

Eligibility for HDFC ERGO Suraksha Health Insurance

  • The policy can be issued to an individual and family, which includes spouse, dependent children as well as dependent parents
  • Health Suraksha covers children from the age group of 91 days onwards. As far as the maximum age limit at entry is concerned, there is none
  • Children below 5 years would be covered, provided both parents are covered under the Health Suraksha Policy
  • The policy comes with the option of covering an individual sum insured basis and on a family floater basis

Key Highlights of HDFC ERGO Suraksha Insurance

  • Lifelong renewability
  • No limit for age at entry
  • Tax benefit under Section 80D
  • No medical check-ups up to 45 years
  • Cashless treatment at a network hospital
  • No sub-limits on any disease, room rent, doctor fees, or hospital charges
  • 5% bonus on the sum insured for every claim-free year
  • Facility to cover on individual sum insured basis as well as family floater basis
  • Offers a 1-year or 2-year policy coverage period
  • A family discount of 10%, if 2 or more members of a family are covered under the same policy on an individual sum insured basis.

Salient Features & Benefits of HDFC ERGO Health Suraksha Insurance

1. In-patient Treatment 

Be it for an accident or an illness, hospitalisation expenses are covered. Expenses incurred for boarding expenses, room rent, nursing, ICU, medicines, doctor visits, and other related expenses are also paid for.

2. Pre-Hospitalisation

Medical expenses incurred, owing to an illness 60 days immediately before hospitalisation are paid for.

3. Post-Hospitalisation

When it comes to post-hospitalisation feature, Health Suraksha pays for medical expenses incurred 90 days immediately after the discharge post-hospitalisation.

4. Daycare Procedures

Talking about daycare procedures, the medical expenses for 144 daycare procedures that don’t need 24 hours-hospitalisation, owing to technological advancement are paid for.

5. Organ Donor

Covers payment for medical expenses for an organ donor's treatment, in case of an organ transplantation.

6. Domiciliary Treatment

Health Suraksha by HDFC ERGO pays for expenses incurred for medical treatment taken at home, on the advice of a physician.

7. Emergency Ambulance

Ambulance services in case of an emergency are eligible for payment.


Provides payment for medical expenses for in-patient treatment taken under Ayurveda, Sidha, Homeopathy, or Unani.​

​Exclusions Under Suraksha Health Policy 

Check exclusion under this HDFC ERGO Health Insurance Policy in given list below:

  • Any treatment within the first 30 days of cover, except any accidental injury
  • Pre-existing conditions are not covered for the first 48 months
  • Mental disorder or insanity, weight control treatment, cosmetic surgery
  • Abuse of intoxicant or hallucinogenic substances such as alcohol and drugs
  • Hospitalisation, owing to war/acts of war, nuclear, biological/chemical weapons & radiation of any type
  • Pregnancy, dental & external appliances, and aids unless covered under specific plans
  • Exclusion for 2 years for specific diseases
  • Investigational, experimental, or unproven treatments, devices, and pharmacological regimens 

HDFC ERGO Health Suraksha Health Insurance Renewal 

Check the HDFC ERGO Suraksha Health Insurance renewal terms in the list below:

1. Lifelong Renewal

The company offers lifelong renewability unless the insured individual or person acting on behalf of the insured individual has acted in an improper, fraudulent, or dishonest manner or any misrepresentation under or to the HDFC ERGO health insurance Suraksha policy or the policy poses a moral hazard. 

2. Grace Period

A grace period of 30 days for renewing the HDFC ERGO Health Insurance Suraksha Policy is provided.

3. Maximum Age

In this policy, there is no maximum cover ceasing age. For the additional benefit of critical illness and hospital daily cash will be provided with lifelong renewability.

4. Waiting Period

The time mentioned in the policy wording will be minimised by 1 year on every continuous renewal of the Health Suraksha policy.

5. Renewal Premium

The amount for the premium is subject to change with prior approval from IRDAI. Any change in benefits or premium (other than due to a change in age) will be done with IRDAI’s approval and intimated 3 months prior.

6. Sum Insured Enhancement

The sum insured can increased only at the time of renewal, subject to no claim having been paid/lodged under the policy. The enhancement in sum insured is accepted as per the underwriting acceptance. In case, there is an enhancement in the sum insured, a waiting period will start afresh related to the amount by which the sum insured has been increased.


  • Up to 1% of the sum insured, maximum up to Rs.5000 for a health checkup after 4 consecutive claim-free years
  • Cumulative bonus amount of 5% for every claim-free year, up to a maximum of 50%

Suraksha Health Insurance Claim Settlement Process 

  • In case of hospitalisation, the Health Insurance company should be informed immediately and not later than 7 days
  • In all cases other than hospitalisation, the company must be informed of any event or occurrence that may give rise to a claim under this Policy at least 7 days before any consequent consultation, treatment, or procedure being taken. Note that the company should pre-authorise consultation, treatment, or procedure like such.
  • Any information and documentation requested to establish the circumstances of the claim, its quantum, or the company’s liability for the claim, should be provided within 15 days of request or discharge from the hospital or completion of treatment, whichever takes place earlier.

That being said, now that you are aware of the Health Suraksha Policy by HDFC ERGO, stop wasting any more time.

Instead of looking for individual or a family health insurance plans that suit your health insurance needs to a tee now and then, buy HDFC ERGO Health Suraksha immediately!

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Health Insurance Coverage Calculator

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  • Individual
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Disclaimer : Actual Coverage might vary basis your location, age and number of members

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