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Coronavirus Symptoms and Precautions in India

A novel coronavirus (CoV) is a new strain of coronavirus. It’s a large family of viruses that show symptoms ranging from the common cold to more severe ones like Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS CoV). Creating an alarming situation worldwide, COVID-19 is spreading person to person. 

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has declared a global emergency as an increasing number of countries, including India, are grappling with a growing number of coronavirus cases. 

In the article, we are responding to some commonly asked questions related to symptoms of coronavirus, its basics and precautionary measures. 

About COVID 2019

Q 1. What is Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

A: COVID-19 is a new respiratory virus that caused severe pneumonia. First identified in Wuhan City, Hubei Province in China, the virus is now mushrooming in more than 50 countries with the virus spreading from person to person. As of now, almost 50 confirmed coronavirus cases have been found in India.

Q 2. Does the coronavirus spread from person-to-person?

A: Yes. Coronavirus can spread from person to person mostly through saliva droplets or mucus carried via air. A person is likely to catch an infection from a distance of around 6 feet when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Someone who has the virus can spread it simply by sharing a drink, shaking hands, or by landing on surfaces that people touch.

Q 3. Can children catch COVID-19?

A: Yes. All age groups can be infected with COVID-19. It is true that most cases have been identified with the adults, but the children are not immune. As per preliminary evidence, children are equally immune but may show less severe symptoms. 

Q 4. How does COVID-19 spread?

A: Like the common cold, the coronavirus is spread mostly from person to person via saliva droplets when an infected person sneezes or coughs. A person can catch the virus if he/she is within 6 feet of distance from an infected person. 

People are most contagious when they show symptoms, which is obvious, but there have been cases where people not feeling sick had the virus and were capable to spread it. 

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Q 5. How easily does coronavirus spread in a community? 

A: The virus causing COVID-19 appears to spread easily and sustainably that one infected person has the potential to infect two other people if they did not follow the preventive measures like hand hygiene. There are rare scenarios where one infected person spreads it to more than two people. 

Symptoms of Coronavirus

Q 6. What are the symptoms and complications of virus causing COVID-19?

A: The symptoms of coronavirus reported for patients  include:

  • Mild to severe respiratory illness
  • Cough
  • Fever
  • Difficulty in breathing

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  (CDC), the symptoms for COVID-19 may appear anywhere from 2 to 14 days after exposure. 

Protective measures

Q7. Who should be worried about getting Coronavirus? 

A: If you suffer from fever and difficulty in breathing, cough, within 14 days after travelling to the infected countries (China, Japan, Iran, Italy, and South Korea), then you must get in touch with a health care professional and inform about your recent travel and close contact.  

Q 8. How can I protect myself against Coronavirus? 

A: It is important to follow health recommendations where you reside. You can follow the actions listed below to prevent the spread of the disease:

  • Wash your hands regularly with water and soap for minimum 20 seconds.
  • It is good to use alcohol-based hand sanitizer which contains minimum 60% alcohol in case soap and water are unavailable.
  • Avoid contacting or touching people who are sick.
  • You must not touch your nose, eyes, and mouth without washing hands.
  • Stay home in case you are sick.
  • Use a tissue to cover your face when you cough or sneeze and throw the tissue in the closed dustbin.
  • Keep the frequently touched objects clean and disinfected.   

Q 9. Should I be worried about receiving products shipping from China? 

A: There is a very low risk of coronavirus spreading from products and packages received from infected areas like China, because of poor survivability of these viruses on surfaces. This is because they are shipped in a duration of days or weeks at ambient temperatures. 

Q 10. Is it safe to travel to China or other countries which have seen cases of Coronavirus?

A: As the situation is changing constantly, all travel that is not really important to China and South Korea (Level 3) should be avoided. Postponing unnecessary travel to Japan, Iran, and Italy is recommended. 

Q 11. What if I recently traveled to one of the infected countries and got sick?

A: If you were in China or any infected country, and are not feeling well because of fever, cough, or are having other symptoms of coronavirus within 14 days of leaving, then you should-

  • not travel while sick
  • avoid close contact with people
  • refer a medical practitioner right away
  • wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer

Q 12. Is the vaccine for the Coronavirus available?

A: As for now, there is no vaccine available for the virus.  However, medical scientists and pharmaceutical companies are working to develop drugs that can fight against symptoms of coronavirus. 

If you have any question related to coronavirus and its symptoms or if you want to buy a health insurance policy to cover the disease, then dial our toll-free number 1800-1205-698.

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