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Aditya Birla Cancer Secure Health Insurance Wordings

27 reviews Rate This
Cashless Approval TATWithin 2 hours
Claim Settlement Ratio96%
Network Hospitals11,000+
Pre-existing Disease Coverage Starting FromDay 1
Special BenefitsIncentivized Wellness
Starting Premium for Rs. 5 lakh CoverageRs. 270/month

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Disclaimer: Actual Premium might vary basis your location, age and number of members

Aditya Birla Cancer Secure Brochure

  • 1.27 MB
  • PDF Document
  • Jun 03, 2019

Aditya Birla Health Insurance Plan List

  • Family (4)
  • Individual (4)
  • Kids (3)
  • Diabetes (2)
  • Parents (1)
  • Senior Citizen (1)
  • Cancer (2)
  • Critical Illness (2)
Name of PlanSum Insured
Activ Assure DiamondMin: 91 Days; Max: No Limit2 Lakh Check Premium
Active Health Platinum Check Premium
Activ Fit - Plus and Preferred Check Premium
Global Health Secure Min: 91 Days; Max: 65 years3 Crore - 6 Crore Check Premium
Activ One Check Premium
Activ Health EssentialMin: 91 Days; Max: No Limit50 Thousand Check Premium
Activ CareMin: 55 Years; Max: 80 Years3 Lakh Check Premium
Corona Kavach PolicyMin: 1 day; Max: 65 days50,000 - 5 lakh Check Premium
Activ SecureMin: 5 Years; Max: 65 Years1 Lakh Check Premium
Cancer SecureMin: 18 Years; Max: 65 Years5 Lakh Check Premium
Activ Health EnhancedMin: 91 Days; Max: No Limit2 Lakh Check Premium
Arogya Sanjeevani PolicyMin: 3 Months; Max: 65 Years 1 Lakh - 5 Lakh Check Premium

Aditya Birla Health Insurance Top Up List

    Name of PlanSum Insured
    Super Health Plus Top-up PolicyMin: 91 Days; Max: 65 years3 Lakh - 95 Lakh Check Premium

    10849 Aditya Birla Cashless Network Hospitals in India

    Choose Aditya Birla Health Insurance Critical Illness Plan

    FAQs on Cancer Secure Health Insurance Plan

    • How can the insured claim up to 150% of the sum insured?

      If the insured is diagnosed with an early stage cancer, 50% of the sum insured is paid immediately. Thereafter, if the cancer progresses to a major or advanced stage, another 100% of the sum insured is paid irrespective of the 50% already paid. This results in a claim of 150% of the sum insured. Moreover, if the insured is diagnosed with advanced stage cancer, the pay-out is 150% of the sum insured.

    • What is the waiting period under the policy?

      An initial waiting period of 90 days is applicable wherein if the insured suffers from cancer, no claim would be paid. However, in case of diagnosis of early stage cancer, the applicable waiting period is 180 days.

    • What is the survival period?

      After the diagnosis of cancer, the insured should survive for at least 7 days to be eligible for making a claim.

    • What is the maximum no claim bonus that can be claimed?

      The maximum no claim bonus would be up to 100% of the sum insured which is available if there are no claims for 10 consecutive policy years.

    • What is the allowed entry age?

      The allowed entry age for insured members is between 18 years and 65 years.

    • What is the available policy tenure?

      The plan can be taken for 1 to 3 years.

    • Can family members be covered under the plan?

      Yes, the policyholder can get coverage for self, spouse, up to four dependent children, dependent parents and dependent parents-in-law.

    • How is the sum insured calculated?

      The sum insured is calculated based on the income of the policyholder. Coverage can be taken for up to 12 times the gross annual income.

    • Is the sum insured the same for all family members?

      No, the sum insured is different from the primary earning member and for his/her family members. A non-earning spouse can avail up to 50% of the proposer’s sum insured subject to a maximum of Rs. 30 Lakh. Non-earning parents or parents-in-law can avail up to 50% of the proposer’s sum insured subject to a maximum of Rs. 10 Lakh. For children, the coverage would be up to 50% of the proposer’s sum insured subject to a maximum of Rs. 15 Lakh.

    • What documents are required for making a claim?

      For making a claim the policyholder should submit the following documents

      • Claim form
      • Medical certificate which confirms the diagnosis of cancer
      • Certificate which declares that the claim is not because of pre-existing illnesses or incurred within the waiting period
      • Copy of the first consultation letter and all prescriptions
      • Any other documents as required by the company
    View More Questions

    Claim Process at Aditya Birla Health Insurance

    • Network Hospital
    • Non-Network Hospital
    • 1

      Claim Assistance

      For any assistance or query, call InsuranceDekho at the toll-free number 755 1196 989.
    • 2

      Claim Intimation

      Emergency hospitalisation needs intimation within 48 hours and for planned hospitalisation intimate within 3 days prior to admission.
    • 3

      Claim Processing

      Fill in the pre-authorisation form and hand it over to hospital's insurance/TPA desk to initiate claim request.
    • 4

      Claim Settlement

      Once your request is approved, claim is settled. If not approved, claim for reimbursement after discharge.
    • 1

      Claim Assistance

      For any assistance or query, call InsuranceDekho at the toll-free number 755 1196 989.
    • 2

      Claim Intimation

      Emergency hospitalisation needs intimation within 48 hours and for planned hospitalisation intimate within 3 days prior to admission.
    • 3

      Claim Processing

      Submit claim form with original documents such as doctor’s reports, hospital bills, diagnostic tests, etc.
    • 4

      Claim Settlement

      Once your request for reimbursement of expenses is approved, the claim will be settled.

    Aditya Birla Health Insurance Contact Details

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