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Aditya Birla Cancer Secure Health Insurance

468 reviews Rate This
Aditya Birla Health Insurance
Cancer Secure
Cashless Approval TATWithin 2 hours
Claim Settlement Ratio96%
Network Hospitals11,000+
Pre-existing Disease Coverage Starting FromDay 1
Special BenefitsIncentivized Wellness
Starting Premium for Rs. 5 lakh CoverageRs. 270/month

About Aditya Birla Cancer Secure Health Insurance

Aditya Birla’s Cancer Secure Plan is a fixed-benefit medical insurance plan that pays a lump sum benefit if the insured is diagnosed with cancer. The benefit payable is expressed as a percentage of the sum insured and the rate depends on the stage of cancer suffered. Up to 150% of the sum insured can be claimed under the plan depending on the severity of cancer suffered.

Besides providing inbuilt coverage against cancer, the Aditya Birla Activ Cancer Secure plan also has optional additional coverage benefits which can be chosen to increase the scope of cancer insurance coverage. The plan offers high sum insured levels. Sum insured starts from Rs. 5 Lakh and goes as high as Rs. 1 Crore enabling individuals to opt for the most optimal coverage level for themselves. Since cancer treatments are an expensive affair, such high coverage levels are an advantage for the policyholder.

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Key Inclusions and Exclusions of the Plan

What's Included

  • Early, major and advanced stage cancers are covered under the plan
  • 50% of sum insured is paid in case of early stage cancer
  • 100% of sum insured is paid in case of major stage cancer
  • 150% of sum insured is paid in case of advanced stage cancer
  • 10% increase in the sum insured is allowed as no claim bonus in case of every claim-free year

What's Not Included

  • Illnesses or treatments due to attempted suicide or self-inflicted injuries
  • Any type of birth control treatments or hormone replacement therapies
  • Expenses incurred in the treatment of STDs, HIV or AIDS
  • Treatment for the diseases caused by the use or abuse of alcohol, drug tobacco, etc.
  • Any acts of criminal intent are excluded from the policy benefits

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Cancer Secure User Reviews

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What users are saying
  • All
  • Transparent Policy Terms

    I appreciate the transparency of the policy terms for the Aditya Birla Health Insurance- Cancer Secure. There are no hidden clauses or surprises; it's all clearly laid out. Thanks to InsuranceDeljho for the amazing insights.

    By Harsh Vohra
    On: Sep 18, 2023
  • Multiplier benefit feature

    I bought the Aditya Birla Health Insurance- Cancer Secure for my small family and I also wanted the multiplier benefit. I checked the InsuranceDekho website and was easily able to purchase this policy. I am totally satisfied with the plan and the platform.

    By Aanchal Marwaha
    On: Sep 01, 2023
  • Affordable Health Plans

    With the help of InsuranceDekho, I was able to purchase a reliable health insurance plan for me and my family. After comparing all the options, I bought Aditya Birla Health Insurance- Cancer Secure. This plan offered maximum benefits in a minimum cost. Highly satisfied! 

    By Arpit Khosla
    On: Jul 06, 2023
  • Policies that cover cancer tre...

    My father was diagnosed with cancer. To provide the best possible treatment, I came to InsuranceDekho. I generated quotes and compared the plans. Finally, I purchased Aditya Birla Health Insurance’s Cancer Secure plan. The plan delivers lump sum benefits.

    By Elakshi Sinha
    On: Feb 08, 2021
  • Availability of cancer covered...

    I was looking for a health plan that could provide coverage for treatments of cancer. I came across InsuranceDekho and found some interesting options. I checked the detail and chose Aditya Birla Health Insurance’s Cancer Secure plan. It has plenty of benefits at an affordable price.

    By Tamaghna Banerjee
    On: Feb 04, 2021

Add-ons to Enhance Benefits

  • Second Medical Opinion

    Optional coverage for a second medical opinion is available wherein a second opinion is allowed from a reputed medical practitioner.

  • Wellness Coach

    Wellness Coach option wherein the insured can get personalised health advice regarding cancer treatments and recovery.

Aditya Birla Cancer Secure Expert Review

  • Expert Review

    Activ Secure - Cancer Secure Plan is a health insurance policy to deliver financial assistance for cancer treatment. People combating cancer need to go through various intense procedures such as radiation, chemotherapy and much more. The cancer treatment process is prolonged and highly expensive. As per the plan, if the patient is diagnosed with an early, major or advanced stage cancer, he or she is entitled to receive a lump sum amount under the plan. The plan safeguards the family from facing any financial consequences arising due to the cancer treatment, so the family can focus on treatment and recovery process without thinking about the expenses.   

    The Activ Secure - Cancer Secure Plan is for the people of minimum 18 year of age to 65 years of age. Under the policy, self, spouse, up to 4 kids, up to 2 parents and 2 parents-in-law are allowed to be covered. The coverage offered under the plan ranged between Rs. 5 Lakh to Rs. 1 Crore. With this extensive coverage, the policy tries to keep people protected for all the 3 stages of cancer, i.e., Early, Major or Advanced, without facing any monetary crunch.

  • Major Attractions

    Cancer is a critical disease which can happen to anybody, anytime. Not everyone can afford its treatment, and in such condition, only a health insurance plan can come up as a saviour. The Activ Secure - Cancer Secure Plan holds various significant and distinguished components, which makes it popular amongst people. Some of the elements are as follows:

    • Cover provided for up to 150% of sum insured
    • Availability of just 90 days initial waiting period
    • The option of second e-opinion is available
    • A wellness coach is provided under the policy
    • The policyholder is given lump sum payout option  
    • Policy terms of 1, 2 and 3 years are available
    • No Claim Bonus of 10% of the sum insured for every claim-free year

    50%, 100% and 150% of the sum insured is paid for early, major and advanced stage cancer 

  • What’s More?

    Besides the listed features of the policy, it acquires some profitable features as well, with which proposers can gain some monetary profit as well. Following are the additional benefits of the insurance policy:

    • Availability of hassle-free claim settlement procedure
    • Tax benefits can be earned on the premium paid
    • The requirement of short survival period of 7 days post-diagnosis
  • Conclusion

    The Activ Secure - Cancer Secure Plan certainly provides a comprehensive cover pertaining to cancer treatment. If anyone is looking for a cancer plan for self or any loved one, his or her search ends here.

    Purchasing the plan from a right channel is as crucial as selecting the right plan itself. In this digital era, buying the health insurance plan online is more preferred and suggested than offline. However, a website known as is a perfect place to purchase an insurance policy. It offers swift and safe payment gateway, detailed information about the plan, helpful in claim settlement procedure, etc. Thus, choose InsuranceDekho today and forget health care related troubles of tomorrow. 

Aditya Birla Cancer Secure Brochure

  • 1.27 MB
  • PDF Document
  • Jun 03, 2019

Claim Process at Aditya Birla Health Insurance

  • Network Hospital
  • Non-Network Hospital
  • 1

    Claim Assistance

    For any assistance or query, call InsuranceDekho at the toll-free number 755 1196 989.
  • 2

    Claim Intimation

    Emergency hospitalisation needs intimation within 48 hours and for planned hospitalisation intimate within 3 days prior to admission.
  • 3

    Claim Processing

    Fill in the pre-authorisation form and hand it over to hospital's insurance/TPA desk to initiate claim request.
  • 4

    Claim Settlement

    Once your request is approved, claim is settled. If not approved, claim for reimbursement after discharge.
  • 1

    Claim Assistance

    For any assistance or query, call InsuranceDekho at the toll-free number 755 1196 989.
  • 2

    Claim Intimation

    Emergency hospitalisation needs intimation within 48 hours and for planned hospitalisation intimate within 3 days prior to admission.
  • 3

    Claim Processing

    Submit claim form with original documents such as doctor’s reports, hospital bills, diagnostic tests, etc.
  • 4

    Claim Settlement

    Once your request for reimbursement of expenses is approved, the claim will be settled.

FAQs on Cancer Secure Health Insurance Plan

  • How can the insured claim up to 150% of the sum insured?

    If the insured is diagnosed with an early stage cancer, 50% of the sum insured is paid immediately. Thereafter, if the cancer progresses to a major or advanced stage, another 100% of the sum insured is paid irrespective of the 50% already paid. This results in a claim of 150% of the sum insured. Moreover, if the insured is diagnosed with advanced stage cancer, the pay-out is 150% of the sum insured.

  • What is the waiting period under the policy?

    An initial waiting period of 90 days is applicable wherein if the insured suffers from cancer, no claim would be paid. However, in case of diagnosis of early stage cancer, the applicable waiting period is 180 days.

  • What is the survival period?

    After the diagnosis of cancer, the insured should survive for at least 7 days to be eligible for making a claim.

  • What is the maximum no claim bonus that can be claimed?

    The maximum no claim bonus would be up to 100% of the sum insured which is available if there are no claims for 10 consecutive policy years.

  • What is the allowed entry age?

    The allowed entry age for insured members is between 18 years and 65 years.

  • What is the available policy tenure?

    The plan can be taken for 1 to 3 years.

  • Can family members be covered under the plan?

    Yes, the policyholder can get coverage for self, spouse, up to four dependent children, dependent parents and dependent parents-in-law.

  • How is the sum insured calculated?

    The sum insured is calculated based on the income of the policyholder. Coverage can be taken for up to 12 times the gross annual income.

  • Is the sum insured the same for all family members?

    No, the sum insured is different from the primary earning member and for his/her family members. A non-earning spouse can avail up to 50% of the proposer’s sum insured subject to a maximum of Rs. 30 Lakh. Non-earning parents or parents-in-law can avail up to 50% of the proposer’s sum insured subject to a maximum of Rs. 10 Lakh. For children, the coverage would be up to 50% of the proposer’s sum insured subject to a maximum of Rs. 15 Lakh.

  • What documents are required for making a claim?

    For making a claim the policyholder should submit the following documents

    • Claim form
    • Medical certificate which confirms the diagnosis of cancer
    • Certificate which declares that the claim is not because of pre-existing illnesses or incurred within the waiting period
    • Copy of the first consultation letter and all prescriptions
    • Any other documents as required by the company
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